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Community groups, clubs and associations in Motueka

The "Community groups" and "Clubs & Associations" pages on this website provide information about all community groups in Motueka that are open to the general public to join or use. (Sports clubs, churches, schools, and most youth groups are listed under other special parts of the site.) The groups listed on these pages are divided into two major categories:

  ?  Community groups, which serve or are for use of the general public without the need to become members;
  ?  Clubs & associations, which provide services mainly or only for members, although anyone can join.

Here is a list of all clubs, groups and associations which have pages on this website, listed alphabetically. Click on any name to go to the appropriate directory and page.

Abel Tasman Educational Trust
A&P Association
Adult Learning Support
Alzheimers Support
Art Group
Arts Council
Budget Advice
Camera Club
Community Gardens
Community Patrol
Community & Whanau
Community Shares
Country Music Club
Crafty Tarts
Darnz Hip-Hop Salsa
Dept of Conservation
Dining 4 Twelve
Family Service Centre
Festival of Lights
50+ Walking Group
Floral Art Circle
The Food Club
Grey Power

Health Action Trust
HIPPY Motueka
Historical Association
Imagine Theatre
Keep Motueka Beautiful
Lioness Club
Maori Wardens
Men's Shed
Mentoring Programme
Migrants & Newcomers
Motueka Combined Club
Motueka Music Network
Motueka RSA Darts Section
Music Group
Nelson Asthma Society
Newcomers Network
No Lights No Lycra
Our Town Motueka
Pottery Workshop
Riding for the Disabled (RDA)
Scottish Country Dance Club
Senior Citizens

Special Olympics
Strengthening Families
St John Ambulance
St Vincent de Paul Society
Supporting Families in Mental Illness
SVS - Living Safe
Te Awhina Health Services
Therapeutic Riding (RDA)
Thursday Easy Cycling
Toy Library
Trail Riding Club
Tramping Club
Transition Town Motueka
Veteranettes Leisure Marching
Vision Motueka
Wednesday Cycling Group
Weka House
Whenua Iti Outdoors
Women's Support Link
Yacht & Cruising Club

If you are a member of a community group, club or association which is open to the public, and which would like to have a page on this website, please . Make sure you tell us which category (or categories) you would like the listing to go on.