Motueka Community Board
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What the board does:
The board acts as a communications channel between Tasman District Council and the residents of the Motueka Ward. Although residents are free to communicate their concerns and submissions to the Council through local representative councillors or Council staff, the Community Board can generally work directly with community groups and residents to tackle local issues locally before advancing them to the next level. Furthermore, if residents do wish to communicate with Council, the board members are often able to advise on processes and strategies to get the best results and who to contact.
The board has a budget for some local funding, and provides advocacy on behalf of residents to the Council on key matters such as the Annual Plan and many council services including engineering and environmental.
The Board meets formally on the second Tuesday of each month, usually at 4.00pm at the Council offices in Hickmott Place. These meetings are open to the public, and time is always made available for public to address the board on issues of concern to them. To contact the board by email, their email address is
Board members for 2013 - 2016:

Paul Hawkes

Richard Horrell
(Deputy Chairman)

David Ogilvie

Cliff Satherley
Meeting schedule
The Community Board meets formally every six weeks. Between these meetings the Board also hosts informal public forum meetings, where anyone can attend and speak about issues or ideas that they have concerning the Motueka Ward. Unlike at formal Board meetings where standing orders forbid debate between Board members and the public, these "in between" meetings allow full debate.
View the meeting schedule for the remainder of 2016 here »
The Community Board's role:
The role of Community Boards is to:
- Represent and act as an advocate for the interests of the community.
- Consider and report on any matter referred to it by the territorial local authority, and any issues of interest to the community board.
- Make an annual submission to the territorial local authority on expenditure in the local authority.
- Maintain an overview of services provided by the territorial authority within the community.
- Communicate with community organisations and special interest groups in the community, and undertake any other responsibilities delegated by the local authority.
There has been some debate as to the precise role of the community board as it relates to the role of the three Motueka Ward councillors - where they overlap and differ. For detailed discussion on this, read here »
Expectations and remuneration
The Local Government Commission in its explanatory booklet says Community Board members are expected to perform duties relevant to their role, including taking part in community activities and groups, amounting to 10 hours per week, and are paid $100 per week in recompense.
Meeting reports:
Motueka Online publishes many news items related to the activities of the Community Board. Here is an index to all such stories.
Travel expense rules:
With all the current fuss about politicians' use of expense accounts for public and private use (June 2010), we thought it would be worthwhile to show what the rules are for community board members, and who pays for what. These rules were set out at the June 2010 board meeting.
Guidelines for Discretionary Funding:
The Community Board grants funding to community groups from a budgeted Discretionary Fund. Over the years many groups and organisations wanting to provide services to the community have received amounts up to $500 to support projects and initiatives. The board has a set of guidelines for applicants, so if you are considering this, please read the guidelines here »