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Courses and Programmes in and around Motueka

This is a free noticeboard to advertise courses and programmes run by non-profit organisations that are scheduled to take place in the future, not one-off events, regular events or general timeless notices. The courses/programmes must have a start date (in the future) and a finish date. You can submit a notice for this page by clicking here.

If the item you want to advertise is a single event on one day or sequence of days, please request its positioning on the Events Calendar. If it is for an event that takes place regularly with no specific start or finish date, it needs to go on the Regular Events page.

English Language classes

English Language Partners have an English Language Group at the Motueka Christian Fellowship, 25 Woodlands Avenue in Motueka. The time and days are Monday evenings 6:30 pm - 8:30pm. Term 3 is 25 July - 19 Sep. Fees are: former refugees - free, permanent residents - $50 and people on work permits -$80. Please contact English Language Partners Nelson on , email on , or visit

Women's Safe Programme

SVS Living Safe is offering an 8 week course that explores making safe choices for ourselves and our family. This is an opportunity to meet with women in a supportive environment. TOPICS: Safety, Power and control, Impacts of abuse, Children, Boundaries, Self esteem, Assertiveness, Rebuilding our lives, Respect and equality. For further information please contact SVS- Living Safe on: or 850. Registrations essential. Venue: SVS Living Safe, Jack Inglis Friendship Hospital, 15B Courtney Street, Motueka.

Tools for Parents

A parenting programme designed to develop positive family relationships, empower parents to make changes and help manage children's behaviour. Six week course, 2 hours per week. Four courses per year, morning or evening course (dependant on need). Contact Phillipa or .

Incredible Years Programme

A parenting programme designed to develop positive family relationships, empower parents to make changes and help manage children's difficult behaviour. Practical suggestions if challenged by your child's behaviour, for parents with children aged 3-8 years of age 14 week course, 3 hours per week. Contact Phillipa or Blyda or email or .