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Comment about a news item

Use this page to make a comment about an article that has been published on MotuekaOnline. Note that this is an alternative facility to making a comment at the bottom of the page on which that article is displayed. If you do choose to use this page to make your comment, however, you will need to include the heading of the article you're commenting on, else we won't be able to match the comment to the article.

Note that we reserve the right to decline publication of anything containing offensive matter or which may present legal problems (libel, defamation, etc). We may also edit your comment if there are serious spelling or grammatical errors. In general, if you are in doubt about the acceptability of your comment, first check our Rules and Policies.

Also note that we may need to confirm that you are a resident of this area, or have a particular interest in the area, so you will need to include contact details for us to get back to you: however, these details will NOT be published.

You may make your comment using either the form below, or simply emailing it (in which case, please make sure you include your name, contact details and article name).