A variety of things to do around Motueka
Cycling in Motueka
Ian Miller is compiling a set of articles about various suggested cycle routes in and around Motueka for recreational cyclists. Read his suggestions here »
Restoration work at the Raumanukas Reserve
Why not combine a few hours in a peaceful and relaxing environment with some gentle exercise helping to make Motueka more beautiful? One way of doing that is to pitch in at a regular working bee at the Raumanukas Reserve.
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Visit Motueka's two cinemas
Not that long ago there were no cinemas in Motueka. Now we are rather spoilt by having two movie theatres, showing films which don't always compete with each other, therefore giving us a wider range of choice. We'll keep these facilities only if we use them, and both offer a fun night out. Check out their pros and cons in this article.
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A cycle trip to Toad Hall
For people living near the centre or north of Motueka town, a round cycle trip (with backpack) to shop for your food and veges at Toad Hall can be a scenic and rewarding afternoon out. Several alternative sections of possible routes mean you can do this trip over again and check out different things each time.
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Swim in the Motueka River
Our river offers many recreational facilities including fishing and kayaking, but one very popular in the warmer months is swimming in one of the many swimming holes, some easy to get to and some accessible only through private land. The ideal swimming locations are up the valley.
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Skydive watching at Motueka Aerodrome
Some people are seriously turned on by skydiving, many others would never consider doing it (fear, cost etc), but most people would enjoy spending a couple of sunny hours at the Motueka Aerodrome watching the skydiving operations.
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Easy cycling for gentle folk
You don't need a $2000 drop handlebar racer and wardrobe of lycra to get started. There are some enjoyable short cycle rides around Motueka that are ideal for those new to cycling. They are great routes to build confidence and fitness.
Further details here »
If you have a favourite thing you like to do or place you like to visit, please tell us here so the rest of us can check it out and enjoy it too, please tell us about it here.