Video clips relevant to Motueka youth
This website has a page for videos about activities in Motueka here. Below is a list of those videos that will be of special interest to younger people:
? - James and Katie singing 'Love Like Fire' at Motueka Baptist Church (5.08)
? - A view from the driver's seat (1.46)
? - This film, by Christta Burrows for Year 13 Media Studies at Motueka High School, won the Best Editing at Briefs at Shortcuts 2010 (7.12)
? - This film, by Carissa Armstrong for Year 13 Media Studies at Motueka High School, won the Judges Award at Shortcuts 2010 (5.12)
? - A new group video with A.J. (10.07)
? - (3.21)
? - Part I (6.11)
? - Part II (5.04)
? - Amy and Anna (4.01)
? at Motueka Recreation Centre (3.08)
? - Compilation of some of the drag racing action. (5.22)
? - Gainer, Backy, Backy jump from the bridge (0.13)
? - riding at the Motueka skate park and some street spots (3.44)
? - Jonnys Bat cutting a 11.6 1/4 MILE at Motueka at Motueka Aerodrome. (0.40)
? - Nissan GTR 600+hp and 1978 RX7 at Motueka Aerodrome. (0.14)
? - RX7 vs Camaro at Motueka Aerodrome. (0.22)
? - Before the game at Motueka Sports Park, February 2010. (4.43)
? - During the Technology project the students build their own dragsters. (0:14)
? - Fanging around down the Motueka River on a 1980 CR125. (0:11)
? - Ashley (DHS Motueka Facilitator) teaching a new routine. (1:26)
? - at the Motueka skate park. (2.32)
? - at the Motueka Sunday Market. (8.02)