Social and cultural clubs
Newcomers Network
As a new migrant or as a newcomer from another part of New Zealand, you are welcome to join Newcomers Network. We would like you to feel at home here and settle well into your new community.
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Motueka Toastmasters Club
Toastmasters helps people develop confidence through public speaking and public roles. There are programmes for learning how to speak effectively and also for developing leadership skills. Motueka Toastmasters, founded in 2006, is part of the world-wide Toastmasters network.
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Men's Shed
The Motueka Men’s Shed is a popular meeting place for a group of men who like to make things, help the community, and make friends. So far we have mended tools for the Community Gardens, made items for the hospital, and done small maintenance tasks for the Rec Centre.
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The Motueka 50+ Walking Group
Founded in 1980, with the primary objective of providing a social network through walking for people aged 50 and over, the Motueka 50+ Walking Group currently has around 200 members. Our walks, which are located in the area stretching from the Nelson Lakes to Farewell Spit, are held every Thursday.
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Motueka Country Music Club
With more than 90 friendly members, country music is certainly alive and well in Motueka. Our membership is made up of young and old alike, with all music tastes catered for. On many a club day you can find yourself enjoying everything from faithful old singalongs, to upbeat numbers fresh out of Nashville.
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Motueka RSA
The Motueka Memorial RSA Club is affiliated to Clubs New Zealand (Inc) and therefore welcomes members from other affiliated clubs from New Zealand and Australia. The club is situated in Motueka's High Street and has good facilities including bar, restaurant, Sky TV, pool and snooker tables, Sports Sections and gaming machines.
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Darnz Hip-Hop Salsa Crew
The programme has been developed for youth between 5 and 17 years. DHS has proven that positive activity in a supported environment breeds positive attitudes in young people. This programme includes a diverse range of activity; however there will be a focus on the use of "dance and music" as a common medium for positive activity.
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Motueka Scottish Country Dance Club
Have fun and get fit at any age. We meet every Wednesday night from March to November at the Lower Moutere Scout Den, 213 Main Road Lowere Moutere. Programmes are made up of all the favourite jigs, reels and Strathspey dances. We go to many dances, ceilidhs and birthday celebrations. There are also summer schools, weekend schools and even overseas tours.
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Motueka Tramping Club
We run a trip every weekend, except in the mid-December to mid-January period. We try to alternate Sunday trips with Saturday/Sunday, or long weekend, "overnighters". Occasionally, we team a "hard" trip with an easy Sunday trip. For the overnight trips we use DOC huts mostly, and occasionally run tenting trips.
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Imagine Theatre
Imagine Theatre is a small community theatre, founded in 2006, that enables people of all ages to become involved in the dramatic arts. We have a small but enthusiastic group of volunteers and members numbering about 60.
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Thursday Easy Riders Cycling Group
This social cycling group is aimed at older cyclist or those new to cycling. It is hoped that people thinking of giving cycling a go and looking for someone to cycle with will join in.
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Motueka Memorial RSA Darts Section
Social darts with opportunities throughout the year to play against other clubs. It is open to men and women of any age and skill level and is just a night away from the house with a good bunch of people.
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Motueka Combined Club (A Member Club of Fellowship NZ Incorporated)
The Motueka Combined Club (Men and Women) meets on the third Friday of the month at 10.00 am in the Band Rooms adjacent to the Motueka Recreation Centre in Old Wharf Road. The Club provides interesting speakers, social outings and fellowship. Membership is open to anyone who is retired or no longer working (55 years and over). Visitors are most welcome. For more information please contact the secretary, Grace Turner, on .
If you are a member of a club or group that fits this category, which is open to the public, and which would like to have a FREE listing, and possibly your own page, on this website, please . Include some basic information and your contact details.