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Regular free public events in and around Motueka

We cannot guarantee we have a full listing here, or that listed events are current. Please let us know if you have a new regular event to list, or if any listed have discontinued or moved to a new date or venue.


Meditation Group
Every Monday, 6pm at 23 Jocelyn Avenue. Bring a cushion. Enquiries to Ian or Dana .

Motueka Amateur Radio Club
The first Monday of each month at 7.30pm, at the Search and Rescue rooms, Motueka police station. Join the world of radio communications. Phone Steve (day only).

Totara Parenting Group
Every Monday (during school term), 9.30am to 11.30am, at the Motueka Family Service Centre, 27 Talbot Street. Enquiries to Mary, .

Patchwork, quilting, sewing, embroidery
Every Monday evening at 7.30pm. Beginners to experts, sharing knowledge with each other. Phone Diane .

Every Monday evening, at 7.30pm, in the Motueka RSA dining room. In support of the Motueka Brass and Pipe Bands.

Motueka Cadet Unit
Parade on Mondays at 6.45pm at the Recreation Centre, for a range of activities including weekend camps. Phone .

Motueka COPD Group (Better Breathers Club)
Every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from July 14th onwards, 2.30-3.45pm, at St Johns Hall off Courtenay Street. First session free, then $2 per time or join the Asthma Society for $10/year and attend for free. Phone Nelson Asthma Society on for more information.

Indoor Walking Group
Mondays 9.30am at the Recreation Centre. Walk an indoor all-weather walking track that includes strength and balance circuits, plus pedometers to count your steps and monitor progress. $4 with cup of tea provided. Contact: Jody Maru, .

Crafty Tarts
Most Mondays at 10am, at Avalon Court. Learning and sharing skills, interests and techniques for a wide range of crafts, modern and old. Information here. Contact: Val Armstrong, .

Yoga Motueka
With certified teacher Denise Ward. General class on Mondays 6pm - 7.15pm. Beginners class on Mondays 7.30pm - 8.30pm at the Senior Citizens Association (behind the Library). Term concession available. Contact Denise at or phone 373 to book your mat.


60+ Social Club
Every Tuesday from 9.30am to 1.30pm. Transport provided, morning tea, lunch, fun activities, outings to places of interest. $12.50. Phone .

Story time for pre-schoolers
Every Tuesday afternoon (except during school holidays), from 2.00pm to 2.30pm, at the Motueka Public Library. Enquiries, phone .

Every Tuesday at 7.30pm at 15 Greenwood St. A bi monthly group for women of all ages providing a chance to discover, learn, create, connect and share life togther. Come along for an evening of inspirational fun, food and music.

Motueka Business Network International (BNI)
Every Tuesday at noon at Motueka Top Ten Holiday Park conference centre. Contact Oliver Weber if interested, .

Vinyasa Flow Yoga classes
Tuesdays 9.30 - 10.45am at Riverside Community Centre. All levels welcome. Drop-in class $10. Bring yoga mat, light blanket, water bottle. Contact Jo .

Messy Church
Meets the fourth Tuesday of the month, 5-7pm, at St Thomas's Church, 101 High Street Motueka. Free fun activities and dinner provided. All welcome. For more information, phone .

No Lights No Lycra
Sessions are weekly on Tuesdays at 7.15pm - 8.15pm, Imagine Theatre, Woodlands Ave. Cost is $5. Wear comfy clothes, bring water. More information here. Contact Emma Ryder


Fun Ukelele classes
Every Wednesday, 7.00 - 8.30pm at the Municipal Band rooms, Old Wharf Road. Phone Jane for information at .

Indoor Bowls
Every Wednesday, 7.15pm, at the Motueka Memorial RSA Club.

Jiu Jitsu
Every Wednesday night, 7.30pm at the Recreation Centre. For 16 years plus. Phone David, .

Motueka Newcomers
Every Wednesday, 10.30am, at Muses Cafe beside the museum for coffee. New to the region? Meet new friends.

Mainly Music
Every Wednesday (during school term), 10.00am, at Tasman Bible Church. Musical activities aiding pre-schoolers in the development of coordination, movement and balance. Contact Judy .

Alcoholics Anonymous
Every Wednesday 7:30pm, at the Salvation Army Hall, 6 Greenwood Street. If you want to drink that's your business. If you want to stop we can help.

Community & Whanau meeting
First Wednesday of the month, 12 noon, at Community House, Decks Reserve. Enquiries to Rae Dozell, . Information here »

Yoga Motueka
With certified teacher Denise Ward. General class on Wednesdays 10am - 11am at the Senior Citizens Association (behind the Library). Term concession available. Contact Denise at or phone 373 to book your mat.

Summer social tennis
Motueka Tennis Club runs Wednesday evening social competitive tennis for adult players 5.45 - 8pm, each week until 2nd April. $2 per person.

Every Wednesday 6pm - 7.30pm at the Scout Den, Riwaka Domain. For 8 to 10 year olds. Phone Heather or Dave, .

Motueka Art Group
Every Wednesday 9.30am - noon at Bridge Club Hall, Tudor Street. Selection of tutors in all mediums. Contact Lynne, .

Scottish Country Dancing
Every Wednesday, 7.30pm, at the Scout Den at Lower Moutere Hall. Enquiries to Alli Campbell, .

Motueka Singing Group
We welcome singers to join our Wednesday evening singing. We sing for fun and joy songs from all over the world in 2 or 3 parts. We meet fortnightly from 7.00pm till 8.30 pm, at 25 Courtney Street. No experience required. For contact, phone .


Babbling Books, Motueka Public Library's book group
Every first Thursday of the month at 1.00pm at the library. Talk about the latest book you've read. Hear what others have been reading and get some great recommendations for your next great read. You are welcome to bring your lunch.

Old time dance group
Every Thursday, starting at 7.30pm, at Uniting Church Hall. Social dancing. Beginners welcome, suitable for all ages. Contact Margaret, .

Lighthouse Spiritual Awareness Centre
Every Thursday, 7.30pm at the Band Hall, Recreation Centre.

Motueka Branch NZ Labour Party
First Thursday of the month, 6.30pm, at Community House, Decks Reserve.

Motueka Amnesty International
Second Thursday, 7.30pm, venue changes. Contact Steve or Tammy on .

Every Thursday 6.30pm - 8.30pm at the Scout Den, Riwaka Domain. For 10 to 14 year olds. Phone Heather or Dave, .

Women's Institute
Third Thursday of the month, 1.30pm at the fire station. Phone Faith, .

Tom Thumbs playgroup
Every Thursday (school terms) 9:30am - 12noon. For families with preschool children. Inside crafts, painting, playdough. Large outside area with sandpit, swings climbing equipment and ride-ons. Wet or fine, $1 per child, morning tea provided. 101 High Street behind St Thomas church. Phone Phillipa Adams 5288879 or email .

Thursday Biking Group
Every Thursday during lighter months, 5.45pm out the back of Coppins. Approx 10km on the flat, no fancy gear required. Phone .

Rotary Club of Motueka
Every Thursday at 6pm at the Motueka RSA Clubrooms. Contact Secretary Pauline O'Beirne tel .

Get your Kickstart to better health with the Green Prescription team. Every Thursday at 9.30am, meet in the Motueka Rec Centre carpark. $2 Active Walk, or $4 Move to Music class followed by an education session. Phone for more info - or just turn up.

Yoga Motueka
With certified teacher Denise Ward. General class on Thursdays 6.00pm - 7.00pm at the Senior Citizens Association (behind the Library). Term concession available. Contact Denise at or phone 373 to book your mat.

Family History
Want to find out about your ancestors, but don't know how to start? Or need assistance with researching? Help is available from local Family History group members every 3rd Thursday, 12 noon - 2pm, at the Motueka Public Library.

Grandparents raising Grandchildren
Support for Grandparents & Kin Carers who are raising their Grandchildren. Every 2nd Thursday of the month, 10.30am - 12 noon, at the Motueka RSA lounge area. Morning tea provided. Contact Linda Glew @ or

Vinyasa Flow Yoga classes
Thursdays 6.30 - 7.45pm at Parklands School, Aniwaniwa Room. All levels welcome. Drop-in class $10. Bring yoga mat, light blanket, water bottle. Contact Jo .


Alcoholics Anonymous
Every Friday 7:00pm, at the Salvation Army Hall, 6 Greenwood Street. If you want to drink that's your business. If you want to stop we can help.

Laughter Yoga Club
Every Friday, 9.30am to 10.30am, at the Arcadia Cafe Lounge, 265 High Street.

Probus Club of Motueka
First Friday of the month, for retired gentlemen.Contact our visitor's officer, Terry Sargent () who will ensure you are made welcome.

Babytime at Motueka Public Library
Every Friday (during school term), 10am, at the library. A fun, hands-on session with songs, movement, rhymes and stories for children two years and younger with their caregivers.

Motueka Newcomers
Every Friday, 10am - 12 noon, at the Drop In Centre, Community House in Decks Reserve. New to the region? Meet new friends.

Total Body Health
Every Friday, 10.30am, at Arcadia Lounge. Free talks on how to help yourself the natural way.

Pied Piper Playgroup
Meets last Friday of every month, 10am to 12. A chance for mums to catch up, have a cuppa and children to play. Held at the School hall of St Peter Chanel on High St. Enquiries to Cherie, .

Chair Yoga
A seated form of yoga for people who for numerous reasons find regular yoga challenging or want to try something new. $5 first class. Friday mornings 11.00am at Weka House (in the Recreation Centre grounds), Old Wharf Road. Details from Delia .


Historical Association
Fourth Saturday of the month, 1.30pm, at Community House, Decks Reserve. Enquiries to Patsy O'Shea, .

Pregnancy dance classes for active childbirth preparation
Every Saturday, 10am at Community House, Decks Reserve. Only $8 per session. Whichever trimester you're in please come join us for an hour's dancing followed by refreshments, aromatherapy, reflexology, birth chants, deep breathing and birth wisdom. Contact Helen on or .


Duck Soup
Celebrate being single on the first Sunday of every month from 7.30pm at 623 In The City (Hardy Street, Nelson). Friendly networking with 100+ other singles over 30 in Nelson. Call Adrienne .

Folk Music sessions
Third Sunday of each month at the Motueka Sprig and Fern, 3 - 6pm. Folk sessions are open to all levels, a friendly relaxed sharing of traditional folk music. Contact Helen, or .

Weekly on Sundays, 3pm, 15 Greenwood Street (next to Parkes Automotive). Learn multicultural waiata and kapahaka. Contact Diana at .

If you have a free event that takes place regularly that you want added to this page, and it's open to the public, then please let us know here »