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Te ?whina Marae o Motueka

Te ?whina Marae

Nau mai Haere mai! Welcome to Te ?whina Marae o Motueka. Te ?whina Marae stands under the two mountains; Pukeone and Tuao Wharepapa. The Motueka River runs swiftly, bringing life and nourishment to the district.

The tribes of the region are Te Atiawa and Ng?ti R?rua and our meeting house is named after the ancestor Turangaapeke. As our name indicates, Te ?whina Marae was created as a place that openly welcomes all people to come and learn, seek shelter, find hospitality, access Hauora services, Kohanga Reo and much more.

As a community focused Marae, Te ?whina offers a number of services. Whether you are looking to enrich your child, give up smoking or just improve your general health, we can help.

Health services - "Te Hauora o Te ?whina Marae"

Te Hauora o Te ?whina Marae is a Kaupapa Maori health service which seeks to guide your whanau on their journey to well being encompassing Maori health concepts.

Whanau Ora:  Whanau Ora is a free community health service offering health support for you and your whanau. This service can come to your home or you can visit our clinic at the Marae. Our Whanau Ora service also includes Health Checks, Prenatal/Postnatal support, Nutritional Advice, Healthy Lifestyle Support and Women's Health. Our Whanau Ora Workers offer a warm friendly atmosphere and welcome enquries from all people of the community.

Counselling:  We have a free and confidential Alcohol and Other Drug Counselling service. Referrals are welcome from any source including 'self referrals'. Clients can be seen either at home or at the counselling rooms at the Marae.

Kaupapa Maori Mental Health Support:  Our Mental Health support services are able to send staff to your home to help with the needs of Tangata whaiora / clients. We also have a Kaupapa Advocate / Peer Advocate who can work along side clients in a supportive role.

Aukati Kaipaipa / Quit Smoking:  We have a smoking cessation coach who can offer free advice and support for anyone who is wanting to quit smoking. This is a free service and offers personalised quit plans and FREE Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT).

Fitness & Mobility:  Te ?whina Marae offers gym facilities, this now has a cost of $20.00 per year. This is available to clients and whanau to assist in improving their overall health, mobility and lifestyle.

Contact us:
We are located at 133 Pah Street, Motueka

For more detailed information, visit our website »

Vision statement
The vision of Te ?whina Marae is to uphold Tino Rangatiratanga and to embrace all people under the concept of Tikanga Maori. To have a Marae that is strong physically and spiritually and where all involved are proud participants of the Te ?whina whanau.

Mission statement:
To maintain a Marae facility in Motueka under the mana of the local Iwi which embraces all people by providing the following services with Aroha, Whanaungatanga, Tikanga and Wairuatanga: Manaakitanga (Hospitality & Care), Wairuatanga (Spirituality), Matauranga (Knowledge & Learning), ?whinatanga (Assistance & Support), Hauoratanga (Health & Wellbeing), Kokiri (Enterprise & Development), and Whakaruruhau (Housing & Facilities).

All of the Health Services are FREE. Ask your GP for a referral, or ring our office to make an enquiry. Cost will be incurred if you are looking to book the Marae for a Hui.