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Calender of Upcoming Events

Anxiety workshop: "Triggers & Tools"

When: Tuesday, November 1st, 6.30pm
Where: Community House, Decks Reserve
Details: Focussing on identifying the triggers that cause us to become anxious, what anxiety is helpful and keeps us safe and when it becomes a problem and is potentially overwhelming. We will provide tools to support you or those you love when they suffer from anxiety. A light supper will be provided - please contact Rae or Gaile on to register for catering purposes.

Community & Whanau meeting

When: Wednesday, November 2nd, 12 noon
Where: Community House, Decks Reserve
Details: A monthly gathering of people who work in the social development area of Motueka and anyone who is interested in knowing and sharing information about community development through networking.

Business social meeting

When: Thursday, November 3rd, 5.30pm
Where: Motueka Top 10 Holiday Park conference room
Details: Business owners and people interested in Motueka business are invited for an evening of drinks and delibarations in Our Town Motueka's only business social evening before the silly season kicks in. Darryl Wilson (Wilsons Abel Tasman) and Don Grant (Tasman Bay Herbs) will share their experiences working in the tourism and food industries respectively. Both are accomplished local business owners and the evening promises to be both informative and entertaining. For catering purposes, please register through Eventbrite or by emailing with your full name, business name and contact details.

La Vida String Quartet

When: Friday, November 4th, 7.30pm
Where: St James' Church, Ngatimoti
Details: The La Vida String Quartet will play a spring concert - another community event presented by the Motueka Valley Association. The concert will feature four consummate musicians from Nelson. Concert goers will be treated to 70 minutes of sublime music. As with concerts held in previous years, the La Vida show will be one of the highlights of the Ngatimoti community's year. Supper will be provided afterwards. Tickets $15 ($10 for seniors and unwaged) from either Floral Affair in Motueka or Ngatimoti School

Tour de Science

When: Friday, November 4th, 7.00pm
Where: Chanel Arts Centre
Details: A science storytelling show. Part theatre, part pop-learning, Tour de Science is an effervescent scientific and personal learning adventure. Science storyteller David Klein shares his journey of curiosity and discovery from childhood to adulthood as atoms, cells, evolution, the solar system, stars and beyond are pieced together into a unique and extremely satisfying conclusion. Aimed at a general adult and teenage audience, Tour de Science is designed to deliver a jolt of curiosity and inspiration to learn more about the world - "Like the coolest TED talk ever," says David. Tickets are $10 and $5, available at Eventfinda.

Motueka RDA open day

When: Saturday, November 5th, 10.00am - 3.00pm
Where: RDA grounds, 230 College Road
Details: The Motueka Riding for the Disabled family open day is designed for families to enjoy. There will be a bouncy castle, pony rides food and fun games for all ages. There will be an opportunity to stroll around our ever-developing sensory trail. We are having a best decorated cake competing, all entries welcome on the day with prizes awarded and these will then be auctioned.

Social / dance fundraiser for the pool

When: Saturday, November 5th, 7.00pm
Where: Huia clubrooms, behind Whitwells
Details: Nelson blues/rock band Medicine Woman will play at a social and dance to fundraise for the Motueka Community Swimming Pool project. Tickets costing $20 each will include a light supper, and drinks will be available at the bar. Tickets can be purchased from any of the committee members, by email from Sue (), or from Berny at reception of Ray White Motueka.

Motueka Community Board meeting

When: Tuesday, November 9th, 4.00pm
Where: TDC meeting room, Hickmott Place
Details: The first meeting of the new board begins with the half-hour public forum where you can have your say. All welcome.

"A Home on Wheels"

When: Wednesday, November 9th, 2.00pm
Where: Motueka Library
Details: Interested in alternative lifestyles, tiny homes, upcycling, chic and vintage decoration? You are invited to a talk with Vivian Scharf. Using upcycled goods, water pumps, solar panels, a woodburner and chic items, Vivian has managed to create a self-sufficient pint sized place. The house truck is full of character and includes a chandelier, stained glass, kiwiana and antiques. Not only is the house truck a characterful home, it has also provided an affordable alternative lifestyle. Koha appreciated.

Garden Trail

When: Friday & Saturday, November 12th & 13th
Where: Various locations
Details: The Motueka Toy Library Garden Trail offers visits to a selection of gardens around the Motueka District. Please phone the Toy Library on , and follow our Motueka Garden Trail Facebook page for ticket outlets and other garden trail information.

If you have a community (non-commercial) event you want added to this page, and it's open to the public, then please let us know here »