Our Town Motueka (Inc)
Mission statement:
To create a partnership between business and community aiming to improve the physical, economic and social environment of Motueka.
This is achieved by building relationships that benefit Motueka, delivering and supporting events which stimulate economic activity, fostering business development and community cohesion and supporting town enhancement and heritage improvements.
Our Town Motueka membership is defined by a pair of zones which surrounds and includes the Motueka central business district and urban commercial areas. Business owners and ratepayers within the area are automatically members, and pay a targeted rate which is collected by the Tasman District Council on behalf of Our Town Motueka.
Voluntary Membership is available, based on the same formula as the rate of zone members, and at the discretion of the Our Town Motueka committee. For more information about Our Town Motueka's Constitution and Annual Report go to www.societies.govt.nz and search under Trusts for "Our Town Motueka".
About the organisation:
- Represents 450 business owners and ratepayers in the main business area of Motueka.
- Is run by a voluntary committee of predominantly Motueka business owners.
- Employs a part-time coordinator on a rolling monthly contract.
- Is one of many similar organisations throughout New Zealand which emerged out of the Mainstreet initiative (1983) whose role it is to enliven and enhance the town.
- Boundaries include High Street central and the surrounding zone of approximately 1.6kms.
- The organisation is funded by a targeted rate which is collected on Our Town Motueka's behalf by the Tasman District Council.
- Funds are also sourced through local sponsorship and funding agencies for specific activities or projects.
- Works in conjunction with a number of organisations and community groups: Motueka Community Board, Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce, Tasman Bay Promotions Assoc, Vision Motueka, Motueka Recreation Centre, Keep Motueka Beautiful, Te Awhina Marae, Motueka Historical Society, and Motueka Arts Council.
Our Town Motueka
- Offers networking opportunities to members and promotes training seminars and courses to assist business development.
- Promotes excellence, expertise and awareness in business by advocating participation in regional business, environmental and Top Shop awards and other commercial promotions.
- Organises advertising and marketing campaigns.
- Communicates to and informs members and supporting agencies through its regular newsletter and updates.
- Works actively in the areas of streetscaping, town enhancement and zero waste.
- Maintains and updates the "Love Motueka" website and associated social media
- Motueka Starlight Parade - Usually the first Friday in December each year
Streetscape, Sustainability Design and Heritage
- Motueka entranceway installation
- Litter cart support
- Recycling bins support
- Street furniture and paving
- Murals in Motueka
- Hanging flower baskets on summer
For furthur information contact:
Claire Hutt
Business Coordinator
Our Town Motueka
Web: www.lovemotueka.com
Officers and committee members for 2015/16:
Chairperson: David Ogilvie
Secretary: Claire Hutt
Treasurer: Claire Hutt
Brent Prestige
Angie Morris
Matt Galvin
David Armstrong
Johny O'Donnell
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Our Town Motueka meeting minutes
The minutes of our meetings are available as PDF files below:
? 8th September 2016
? 2016 AGM, 8th September 2016