Environmental issues in Motueka
This area of the website is for anyone to initiate a discussion on any local issue that affects or may affect the environment in the Motueka area. People taking part must be locals or have a genuine local interest.
Postings are moderated for offensive or libellous material, or for blatant advertising, but otherwise will be uncensored. Discussions not specific to environmental matters should be held on the General Discussion Forum pages.
Also note that we will try to give everyone a fair shot, and will not allow particular individuals to dominate topics with repeated entries unless answering specific comments.
At this point you can do one of two things:
? Read and/or comment on a discussion topic or thread that is currently running
? Start a new discussion topic or thread
The most recently added topics are:
Transition Town Motueka opposes mining plans in Golden Bay and Tasman Bay
(Posted: May 8th, 2011)
Transition Town Motueka opposes any intention to test-drill or mine in this area. The citizens' organisation, formed to work on the transition of the town away from use of fossil fuels and towards a low-carbon footprint, opposes the idea on several grounds.
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Exploration of Climate Change
(Posted: January 19th, 2011)
Having last year devoted almost all her waking moments to studying climate change, Motueka Valley's Katerina Seligman has written an extensive article on psychological responses to climate change, called "A Sociodramatic and Personal Exploration of Climate Change".
Read the article and comment on it »
Mining Schedule 4 land in National parks
(Posted: April 14th, 2010)
Our protected areas must remain protected. These areas all have outstanding conservation values, which is why they were protected in the first place! Native forests are becoming rare - and special - world wide. Schedule 4 was put in place by the National Government to protect and safeguard the future of our core conservation areas. It would appear irresponsible to reverse this decision.
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Motueka High School Community Issues surveys:
The school's Year 10 Community Issues class investigates various local issues, one per term, to learn how to conduct scientific social research and to help the Motueka community as a whole to better understand these issues and address them. Community Issues as part of an Enrichment programme along with Careers, Environmental studies etc. Click here to find links to reports that have been researched since the start of 2009, under the guidance of teacher Bruce Reid.
Protecting the Motueka River catchment
Landcare Research has produced an excellent 13-minute video about their work developing scientific models to plan the future of the catchment. The overall goal is to "apply best management practice to the whole catchment rather than to just individual farms". An outstanding piece of work to balance growth with environmental protection. »