Environmental issues in Motueka
Current topics and threads
Transition Town Motueka opposes mining plans in Golden Bay and Tasman Bay
(Posted: May 8th, 2011)
Transition Town Motueka opposes any intention to test-drill or mine in this area. The citizens' organisation, formed to work on the transition of the town away from use of fossil fuels and towards a low-carbon footprint, opposes the idea on several grounds.
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Exploration of Climate Change
(Posted: January 19th, 2011)
Having last year devoted almost all her waking moments to studying climate change, Motueka Valley's Katerina Seligman has written an extensive article on psychological responses to climate change, called "A Sociodramatic and Personal Exploration of Climate Change".
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Time to think about the earth
[Posted: April 21st, 2010]
EARTH DAY is April 22. At the moment we are in deep trouble because the technological-economic paradigm ignores the ecological evidence that the earth has limited natural resources and carrying capacity. How do you think we could remedy this situation?
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Mining Schedule 4 land in National parks
(Posted: April 14th, 2010)
Our protected areas must remain protected. These areas all have outstanding conservation values, which is why they were protected in the first place! Native forests are becoming rare - and special - world wide. Schedule 4 was put in place by the National Government to protect and safeguard the future of our core conservation areas. It would appear irresponsible to reverse this decision.
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NZ Earth Hour Campaign
(Posted: March 14th, 2010)
Earth Hour is coming up on Saturday 27 March at 8.30pm. It's a global occasion for communities to unite in one simple action - turning out their lights - to show the huge and growing support for action on issues of climate change and over consumption. Reaching over a billion people in 2009 its the world's largest mass-participation event ever.
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Ecofest Eat Local Food Challenge
(Posted: March 14th, 2010)
On the Ecofest website (www.ecofestnelsontasman.co.nz) there is a list of organic producers and retailers in our region with the possibility of having others added to the list. Could that be a role for someone in Transition Motueka to scour the countryside for food and beverage producers as well as retailers?
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Jacob galvanises my resolve on the environment and climate change
(Posted: February 5th, 2010)
I while ago I returned to Christchurch to meet my brand new grandson Jacob. It was a delight to see this extension of the family, and a wonder to be reminded how small and defenceless we all started out. But it also drew me to think again about what sort of environment Jacob will experience as he grows and becomes an adult, a parent and grandparent himself. Events like the recent Copenhagen conference on climate change take on a new importance for me.
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