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Post a notice of a Course or Programme

The Community Noticeboard on this website is for free use by community organisations and individuals to tell us about programmes and activities that are available to the public. We post it on the site for you. Before submitting a notice, please note four rules:

 ?  If your notice is for a specific event on a specific day, please place it on the Events Calendar instead.
 ?  If your notice is for a regular (weekly or monthly) event on a specific day of the week,
      please place it on the Regular Events page instead.
 ?  This is not to be used for selling things, privately or through businesses, or for promoting business activities.
 ?  Notices must include start and end dates and be less than 100 words in length.

As a general guideline, the programme or activity must be Motueka based, and be open to the public. If you want to publicise an activity that is for members of a club or group only, or to advertise your club or group to attract more members or attendances, please do so on the dedicated page for your group. Note that we look at the notice before it is posted, and we reserve the right to reject your notice if it is deemed not within the rules of use.

Please make sure you provide here at least:
 ?  The name of the programme or course,
 ?  The starting date (this should be in the future) and the finish date of the programme,
 ?  The location or venue, and time of each session,
 ?  The purpose of the activity, explaining what will take place and who the event is for.

You may contribute your activity or programme details using either the form below, or simply emailing them (in which case, please make sure you include your name and contact details, as well as notice itself).