Guidelines for Discretionary Funds applications
[These guidelines resulted from a review of the rules in December 2013.]
? There is a $500 maximum for applications for non-Community Board initiated projected.
? Funds to be allocated through quarterly funding rounds in February, May, August and November.
? Applications should be made three weeks before the the Board considers quarterly funding allocations.
? Applicants may be given less than they apply for.
? Projects must be completed within nine months of receiving funds.
? Successful applicants must report back to the community board on the project and how the funding was used, within nine months of receiving funding.
? Exceptional and unique circumstances will be considered.
Applications are to be handed in to the Motueka Council Office, 7 Hickmott Place or emailed to . Applicants are expected to speak to their application at a community board meeting.
The community board will make allocations from its fund to support projects relevant to the following three categories:
Category A: Projects. A pool currently (2013) of $4,654 per annum will be available for community projects. These projects should as a rule benefit the Motueka community as a whole rather than individuals. The amount may vary in future years depending on the Board's budget.
Category B: Board Activities. A pool of $1000 per annum will be available for Board-related activities which may include such items as attendance at conferences or training workshops, advertising and communication, undertaking community surveys or questionnaires, and hosting functions.
Category C: Youth Development Fund. A pool of $1000 per annum will be available for Youth-related activities. This may include events organised by youth, for youth, or on behalf of youth.
If funds earmarked for categories B and C are unused at the time of the final funding round of the financial year, these funds shall be released into the general fund, and may be offered to previous unsuccessful but worthy applications, and/or utilised in Board-initiated projects.
Application forms are available from the Motueka Council Office, or online at and at The Motueka Library.