Motueka Floral Art Circle
Motueka Floral Art Circle meets once a month to share ideas, create floral designs, and learn new techniques and concepts. Each meeting has a separate theme and several workshops are included in the year's programme.
The club is affiliated to the , which produces two high quality editions of a magazine each year, holds an annual conference and sponsors regional workshops. All the clubs in the Nelson Marlborough West Coast area get together twice a year for workshops and demonstrations.
The objective of the Floral Art Circle is to provide a forum for those interested in creating art with flowers and plants to meet together share ideas learn new techniques and concepts and provide a service to the community.
Motueka Floral Art Circle and Friends this year presents a Floral Theater to support Daffodil Day and the Cancer Society Fundraising appeal. Admission $15.00 - there will be ticket sales early August, available from Westrupp Jewellers. Come and watch the designers build the styles before your eyes. The demonstration will feature Daffodills and other spring flowers.
Contact person: Carol Gowan
Our members participated in and helped organise the Floral Art Society of NZ conference held in Nelson - Read about it here, plus photos
Motueka's own floral version of the World of Wearable Arts wowed an audience of nearly 200 people at the floral art demonstration at Memorial Hall on Saturday 1st September. Read about it here, plus photos
We have a review and photos of the "Ode to the Daffodil" live floral theatre presentation - Read it here
Here is a review and some photos taken at the 2010 Floral Theatre event.
And here is an account and photos of our day with Marlborough, Nelson and Buller groups, 28 October 2010.
In December we visited the Motueka sandspit and made huts built from driftwood and other creations. Photos by Shirley Frater.

And below are some photos taken at the 2009 event. (All these taken by Shirley Frater)

By Lorraine Talley

Dafs & shelterbelt trimmings and Cancer Doc bears, by Shirley Frater

By Pam Canton

Massed designs by Lorraine Talley

Contemporary style by Lorraine Talley

Twisted willow and early cheer spring bulbs by Carol Gowan

The team doing the work

Large design by guest demonstrator Roseanne Armstrong of Richmond