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Weka House

Weka House is located beside and run by the Recreation Centre and administered by Sports Tasman. It runs two major service programmes:

OSCAR After School and Holiday Programmes

  • For children 5 to 13 years - term weekdays 3 - 5.30pm.
  • Afternoon tea is provided.
  • Transport services from school to venue.
  • Holidays 8.30am to 5pm (CYF approved subsidies available.

Fun, art, baking, games, craft, sport, swimming, outdoor adventures.
Phone or mob .

60+ Club - a great age to be

  • A social club for members of the Motueka community aged 60-plus who want to get out on a Tuesday 9.30am - 1.30pm for craft days, gentle exercise, outings, guest speakers and a delicious lunch.
  • Morning tea and transport are provided.

Phone or mob .