Grey Power Motueka
Community House, Decks Reserve, Motueka.
Office hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 9.30am - 12.30pm.
Grey Power is a voluntary organisation founded some 25 years ago to give superannuitants a voice on Government policy affecting their superannuation. Since then it has become the Grey Power Federation; 76 associations nation-wide with approximately 70,000 financial members over the age of 50.
As a non-political advocacy group, Federation Board members pay regular visits to Wellington to meet with MP's of all parties. Portfolios of Health, Electricity, Superannuation, Social Services, Local Bodies and Law, Order and Justice are discussed.
Grey Power's lobbying has led to substantial benefits in the quality of life of older New Zealanders, and New Zealanders as a whole. A notable recent accomplishment is the formation of Grey Power Electricity, a partnership between Just Energy and the Federation which offers members highly competitive rates and a five year lock on energy prices. For more information see .
An item of particular concern is the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement which is likely to weaken Pharmac's position and lead to higher prices and restrict availability of prescription drugs. For a summary of the Federation's work on this and other issues see
Motueka Association is in Zone 5 which includes Marlborough, Nelson, Golden Bay, Buller, Greymouth and Hokitika. It is the largest zone in the country. Our Zone Representative is Graeme Faulkner from Blenheim who attends the Federation Board meetings and presents the views and concerns of our members.
Motueka Grey Power Motueka is considered a community "stakeholder" and is very involved with TDC policies and decisions regarding Motueka; we work closely with the Community Board, our local voice, on matters such as Rates, General and Targeted and for more sensible and realistic approaches to the proposed plans for the Waimea Dam, water reticulation, the Motueka Library and the River Stopbanks. We are extremely concerned over Council's rising debt, and lobby for Council to increase financial transparency, reconsider its definition of "affordable" in terms of rates and capital projects and prioritise spending with an eye to items of community benefit. You can see a copy of our submission on TDC's Draft Long Term Plan by clicking HERE.
We are requesting that Council return a greater percentage of rates income back to Motueka in the form of maintenance of facilities (museum, library), parks and reserves and that basic repairs and maintenance of kerbs and footpaths - for safety of mobility scooters, wheelchairs, prams and indeed pedestrians - should have priority over projects like resealing serviceable carparks. We have lobbied for more accountability over the millions collected in river rates that evidence little real work and seem mostly squandered in administration costs. Community safety is of growing concern as the police presence in Motueka diminishes (see below).
The current Committee for GPM, elected at the 12 May AGM is:
President - Barry Goodman
Vice President - John Kelly (Publicity Officer)
Secretary - Jim Butler (Minutes and Local Body Spokesperson)
Committee Members -
Ed Dadson (Public Relations), Barry Simkin (Grey Power representative on the Community House committee), Wendy Schultz, Erich Repp, Monty Tawhai, Trevor Rowse, Betty Fry, and Margaret Faulkner.
Our membership database is maintained and the monthly financial reports prepared by Gaile Douglas (Office Manager). New committee members always welcome.
Subscriptions cease to be current on 31st March each year. If your card does not have a green label then it is not current for the 2015/16 year. Renew or join now to continue to receive discounts from over 40 local business and others Nationwide. Help us help you. Call into our office in Community House, Decks Reserve, and see Gaile or Jim to take advantage of this offer. 9.00am - 3.00pm Monday to Friday.
Discounts from over 40 local businesses and Nationwide. Become part of this NZ lobby group: $20 single, $35 couple. For the complete list, click HERE.
You don't have to be grey to be effected by the issues that we address on behalf of our members: rising rates and energy costs, DHB services, responsible Superannuation, accessible Social Services and responsive Local Bodies to name a few. AND with over 40 businesses in Motueka alone offering members generous discounts, your membership soon pays for itself.
Grey Power Motueka supports the work of the Motueka Community Patrol, a group of volunteers helping the Police make our community safer for everyone. Additional volunteers are required and those interested should contact Constable Grant Heney of Motueka Police,
Committee meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month in the Community House meeting room, Decks Reserve, at 9.30am. New committee members always welcome.
- - Federation Web Page.
- - Editor Grey Power Magazine. He welcomes, Letters to the Editor, and Articles from members. These may also be sent to P.O. Box 1425 Hamilton 3240.
- - Work and Income information.