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Motueka Arts Council

Winter Workshop Programme 2016  

This year we have a programme of 18 workshops.
    ?  View the programme here »
    ?  Registration forms for workshops are within the programme document.

The Council's aim, in partnership with kindred organisations, is to:

  1. advance the knowledge in and appreciation of the Arts (including crafts and hobbies) through community based educational activities such as workshops and symposia in a wide variety of subjects.
  2. foster interest and participation in the Arts by sponsoring performances/exhibitions, most especially by local people, within the Motueka District.
  3. encourage a wider participation in the Arts by offering grants to assist local non-profit arts groups and clubs to develop their skills and productions.
  4. act as an advocate for the Arts with local and national organisations.

The Council is a non-profit organisation with charitable status through its grants to other non-profit bodies engaged in the Arts.

What we do to fulfil our objects above.

1. Every year we run a series of arts-related workshops during the winter months.

2. During the year we may run other workshops or events such as promotion of local authors (in conjunction with the Library) or musicians etc. Extra workshops often develop from the winter series and we do help to set up small groups which continue from the workshops, such as the creative writing group and the ukelele group.


We work for Creative Communities, Tasman, (administered by the TDC) in accepting applications for small grants to help local people with events/workshops and some equipment. These grants of up to $500 were awarded monthly. Unfortunately this scheme is coming to an end this month (June 2010) and local people will have to apply to the main Creative Communities, Tasman fund, with applications only 4 times a year on 10 August, 10 November, 10 February, and 10 May. There is opportunity for much larger grants from this fund. (More details of this scheme will be given at our AGM and a new possibility outlined.)


Membership of the Arts Council is open to anybody who is interested in these aims and objects. The Management Committee meets monthly and is always looking for new members with enthusiasm to continue the work.

Currently the Council is endeavouring to collect names of groups and artists to develop a database for use in the community. Please contact the secretary Petra Dekker, phone or president Mary Nicholls, phone for more information.

Past work

The Arts Council was instrumental in developing the Motueka Streetscape as a Millennium Project, in partnership with the Tasman District Council and grants from TDC and Lotto Millennium Fund. The Council still keeps a watching brief over the street furniture, which was commissioned by the Arts Council and created by local artists and craftspeople.

From this developed the booklet, Motueka Arts Walk, which has encouraged visitors and locals to appreciate some of our public art. We are currently on our 3rd edition of this brochure.

Art funding

Motueka Arts Council has a new small grants scheme to help local arts groups put on events or programmes that increase participation in the arts within the Motueka Community. Amounts of up to $200 may be applied for from the population residing within the Motueka Ward of TDC plus the settlements of Tasman and Kina. (Guarantees against loss of up to $200 may be applied for as an alternative to a grant.)

Priority will be given to projects where there is a high level of participation, learning and/or engagement in an art form. Supported activities or events will normally be expected to take place within the Motueka area. However this does not rule out local people travelling from outside the area to engage in an arts activity.

The purchase of equipment will not be subsidised but consideration may be given to assisting with the funding of art and craft materials directly related to the main activity.

Projects or activities directly or indirectly related to schools curriculum requirements are not eligible for grant assistance.

Where an applicant group is not a Registered Charity, Incorporated Society or Trust, the Arts Council will act as banker for the disbursement of any grant allocated.

Applications are to be submitted by the second Tuesday of the month (except January). Applications received prior to the end of the month will be processed at the Arts Council meeting in the following month.

You can download and print an application form by clicking here. Completed applications should be sent to the Secretary of the Motueka Arts Council, PO Box 121, Motueka. (You will also need a project completion report form - click here for that).

Larger grants for art funding to help local people with events/workshops and some equipment can be obtained from Creative Communities, Tasman. Application deadlines: 10 November, 10 March, and 10 July, application forms are available from Tasman District Council.

Contact us

Please contact Petra Dekker the secretary (,) or president Mary Nicholls, () for more information.

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