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Art events celebrate return of the godwits
August 24th, 2012
[by David Armstrong]
Artists and art-related groups are invited to show their works on Sunday September 23rd along the grass frontage of Motueka Quay, as part of a welcoming of the godwits and a celebration of Motueka's estuaries and sandspit.
The event, organised by the Motueka Arts Council, also includes the creation of sand and driftwood sculptures on the sand where the sandspit meets the Kumaras walkway, between the drainage outfall and the start of the sandspit.
Artists and art groups are asked to register in order that the logistics can be organised, and there is no charge. Registrarion can be made using this form.
Art works will be set up at least 5 meters back from the edge of the road seal, keeping the walkway path clear and mindful of traffic on Motueka Quay. Work maybe hung in the trees on easels or tables or out on the beach front. Set-up is to be completed by 10am, with site signs out by 8.30am.
Work may be exhibited and for sale, and some artists may be actually working or encouraging the public to have a go at their art. There will be no commission charged for sale of art works.
"The idea is to showcase what art is happening in the community, and have fun and celebrate our arts," says organiser Shirley Frater.
Should there be a downpour on the morning before set up, the alternative venue will be the Recreation Centre.
Sand sculptures
The public can also create sand and driftwood sculptures on the sandspit, between the drainage outfall and the start of the sandspit. Access to this site is the walkway from Motueka Quay, behind the Golf Course, or from the Staples Street/Raumanuka car park.
There is no competition and no entry fee, and the area will be available from 10am. The only plant material to be taken to the site is flax harakeke leaves as way of lashing driftwood together.
Buckets, spades and other construction aids can be used for molding, and participants will need to take their own refreshments.
"It is informal and the community is encouraged to enjoy the experience of this valuable space," Shirley says. "The area will not cope with hundreds so at this stage we not allocating spaces/sites on a formal basis. People may work as individuals or groups, and spectators are welcome as well as participants. I trust people will co-operate and not poach materials from others."
Participants and spectators will need to take away their rubbish, and if they have a dog they must keep it be on lead.
Godwits talks
On the following Wednesday, September 26th a lecture will be given by Rob Schuckhard on godwit research in top of South Island. This will be at 7.30pm at the SenniorNet rooms, 42 Pah St, Motueka. This is organised by the Motueka Arts Council, with sponsorship from Trust Power awards and TDC, and help from DOC and the Ornithological Society.
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