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Health Action Trust

Health Action Trust is a community-based health promotion organisation that emerged from a 1982 Community Action project in Nelson, New Zealand.

We work in Nelson City and Tasman District areas. We do health promotion work using a community action approach, working closely alongside other groups to assist them to develop solutions that will create lasting change and improve health.

We also operate two mental health services Kotuku, and COMPASS and provide support to The White House Inc.

Our mission:
To work with communities to improve health and remove barriers that limit wellbeing.

Our philosophies:
People's health and well-being is affected by all aspects of their everyday life. From our perspective, good health and well-being is created by caring for oneself and others, and by being able to have control over one's life.

Our society, culture and environment all have a crucial role to play in our health. Health Action's Health Promotion work is guided by the five strands of the Ottawa Charter - here it is in brief:

  1. Building healthy public policy - this is about trying to get policy makers to think about how their decisions will affect the health of people in the community.
  2. Creating supportive environments - this is about making the healthy choice the easy choice in the places where we live, love, work & play: supporting and enabling people to take care of themselves, each other, and their communities.
  3. Strengthening community action - identifying problems and developing lasting solutions to address them, using strategies that encourage people in communities to collaboratively gain ownership and control of their health issues.
  4. Developing personal skills - of health promoters, policy makers and all individuals in the community. We believe that giving good information about health and well-being increases people's control and ability to make informed decisions about their health.
  5. Reorienting health services - working alongside health, as well as social, political and economic sectors to bring about change, because people's health is affected by a whole range of factors.

We also think that it's really important to work closely with other organisations in a collaborative way, and to focus our energy on achieving long-term sustainable change in our community.

For more information, visit our website »

Contact us:
26 New Street, Nelson