Motueka Camera Club
The primary aims of the Motueka Camera Club is to stimulate interest in the Art and Practice of photography, to offer members knowledge and practice in the capture and preparation of images for Local and National Competitions, and to provide opportunities in developing Photo Editing and image evaluation skills.
We meet in the SeniorNet rooms, 42 Pah Street Motueka, at 7.30pm.
Monthly meetings and competitions:
Each month we run competitions, each with a particular topic or theme. The competition rules are shown below, as are competition topics.
Honours images
Images awarded the top grade of "Honours" on Club night for the past month are displayed on this website.
Click here to view them »
The 2016 PSNZ Canon National Exhibition (Natex) is being organised by the Southland Photographic Society in conjunction with the 64th PSNZ National Convention which is being hosted by the Queenstown Photography Club. The exhibition is open 22nd - 25th April 2016.
Four of the Motueka Camera Club members achieved acceptances and Gaile Douglas achieved a Bronze. This is an excellent result for the club in such a prestigious National competition.
Results for Motueka Club:
Gaile Douglas - Bronze with "Honeybee" and acceptance with "Woolcarder Bee"
Rob Lynch - acceptance with "South is Fantail on Rimu"
Craig Martin - acceptances with "Juvenile Pied Stilt" and "Fishing Shag"
Kim Falconer - acceptance with "The Traveller"
View those photos here »
Annual Subscriptions:
The financial year begins 1 October, annual member-ship fee = $60.00 payable to the Treasurer.
Individuals joining in Oct - March pay the full.
Annual membership fee of $60.00. For families $30.00 per additional member, and also $30.00 for students under 18 years.
Anyone joining April to September pays $6.00 per month up to and including September (no separate family fee). Thereafter pay the annual membership fee (plus $30.00 per additional family member).
For any information or enquiries about Club meeting dates, please feel free to contact:
Craig Martin ph (President) or
Heather Knapp ph (Vice President) or
Warren Murdoch ph
We'd love to see you!
Or check out our »
Competition topics for 2016
21st Drop In Night
MAY - 2nd Topic Monochrome
Presentation Talk on Triptychs
19th - Tutorial Camera Functions
JUNE - 6th Topic - Inclement Weather
Evaluation - Monochrome
16th Tutorial - Portfolio Presentation
JULY - 4th Topic - Portfolio - Prints Only
Evaluation - Inclement Weather
21st - Drop In Night
AUGUST - 1ST Topic - Simplicity
Evaluation - Portfolio
18th - Tutorial - All About Light
SEPTEMBER - 5th Topic - All About Light
Evaluation - Simplicity
15th Tutorial - Post Production Pt1
Evaluation - All About Light
20th Tutorial - Post production Pt2
17th Drop In Night
DECEMBER - 5th Club Fun Night - Treasure Trove
Competition rules
The primary aims of the Motueka Camera Club is to stimulate interest in the Art and Practice of photography, to offer members knowledge, and practice, in the capture and preparation of images for Local and National Competitions, and to provide opportunities in developing Photo Editing, and image evaluation skills.
- Only financial members are eligible to make submissions.
- There is a three grade system for members, Entry, Intermediate and Salon. Advancement from Entry to Intermediate, a member requires a total of 20pts and from Intermediate to Salon, a member has to achieve 5 Honours, including 1 print Honours.
- Each entrant may enter a maximum of 2 Images in total, at each monthly submissions night, which can be either presented as Prints, or in digital format for projection.
- Prints must be mounted unframed using a mat with suitable backing, not exceeding, 40 x 50 cm (16 x 20 in) in size.
- Digital images need to be in jpeg format, and sized to 1080 pixels along the vertical edge or 1920 along the horizontal edge, which ever is the longer. To be sent by either Email or "Dropbox" storage device, to the Image convenor, at least 48hrs prior to the Meeting night. Projection will be in the sRGB colour space.
- Labelling for submissions Author-grade-set/open-title All of this is called the File name Author is author's name. Each part is separated by a hyphen with no spaces. Grade is the first letter of the grade eg. E,I or S. Set or open is the topic.
- All images must be entirely the author's work, at image capture and editing, but can be either self, or commercially processed.
- Prints must be presented to the Image convener no later than 15 minutes prior to meeting commencement.
- Images will be judged by a nominated judge, prior to, or on Club night. Each image will be allocated its assessed grade, by the judge. Not Accepted = 0, Acceptance = 2, Merit = 4, Highly Commended = 6, and Honours = 8 : There is an extra 1 pt. for entering in the set topic.
- The Judge will also nominate the best print, and best projected image in the Monthly Competition, = 2 extra points.
- All images remain the property of the authors, and must be collected by them or a nominated agent at the closure of each competition night.
- No Image that has been offered an award can be re-entered in the Monthly competitions, except for the Portfolio competition.
- A Register of the points earned by each member will be kept to ascertain the progress of members.