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Motueka District Toy Library

Motueka District Toy Library

We are a community service providing quality toys to families at a low cost. We aim to encourage the vital role in a child's development by enabling families in the community to have access to quality toys and activities, relative to the child's needs.

The toy library is open for families, grandparents and caregivers with children aged up to 10 years. It is located at in Pah Street, next to the Bowling Club. There is an annual subscription of $30, and a casual membership fee for eight weeks of $15. Grandparent's membership for up to four borrowings a year is $15.

Opening Hours:
Tuesday & Thursday: 10am - 11.30am
Saturday: 10am - 12 noon

Four toys, three videos or DVD, one CD-ROM, and two puzzles or games can be borrowed for a two-week period. Cake tins can be booked in advance. Toys cost between 50 cents and $5.00 each to borrow for a two-week period. Please bring small change as we only have a small float at the library.

Our team:
The Toy Library is run by a committed team of volunteers, and we would welcome a new committee members any time during the year. For volunteers, it is a great opportunity to meet new friends, help other people, and support this great community service. Without volunteers we would not have a toy library.

Toy categories:
Books and tapes (includes cuts and books and CDs), CD-ROM, construction, fun (including dress ups), games, imitative, jigsaws, learning, manipulative, party (cake tins, cake books, icing equipment), ride-ons, and DVDs.

New toys are purchased regularly and are funded by borrowing fees, grants and fund-raising activities.

We are always open to any ideas or suggestions for new toys, fundraising or the Toy Library. Please feel free to put your ideas in the suggestion box on the returns desk. We value your input.

For further information, contact our coordinator:
Toy Library Phone: