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Proposal for Amalgamation of Nelson and Tasman Councils

Motueka Online has become the most extensive news source and discussion forum on the Local Government Commission's proposal to amalgamate Nelson and Tasman Councils. This page has been set up to provide a "portal" for a range of relevant material which will help residents and organisations to understand the issues, gauge public opinion, and make up their own minds on the proposal.

If, down the track, amalgamation does proceed, this page will also be used to track the progress of changes.

Discussion forum

We have an extensive and growing discussion forum on the topic, which has been running since late June 2011. View the forum and say your piece here »

News items about the iddue

Here is a list of news articles on this website related to the issue. The latest items are at the top

Official sources

Here are some web pages which contain official information from various related agencies and experts: