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Council presents amalgamation submission to the Local Government Commission

December 15th
[TDC press release]

The Tasman District Council presented it submission with regard to the proposed amalgamation of Nelson and Tasman Districts to the Local Government Commission this morning. Led by Mayor Richard Kempthorne, Deputy Mayor Tim King and CEO Paul Wylie, the submission focused on the key points within the Council's written submission delivered prior to the November 8 deadline.

The key points addressed the seven matters the Commission is required to consider in making its decision on whether or not the proposal should continue to the next step in the process.

"Presenting the submission to the Commission was an opportunity for us to reflect the community's feedback to us and an analysis of the possible impacts and claims made in support of the proposal and in the lead up to the initial petition," said Mayor Kempthorne.

"Throughout the submission process it was made very clear to us the major points of concern was the potential loss of representation and the lack of any demonstrable financial benefit.

"In our submission we were very clear about the current and future benefits of continuing the shared services regime in existence now, a regime that can further deliver enhanced results without the need for amalgamation.

"In presenting the submission we are very aware this process is between the communities of Tasman District and Nelson City and the Commission. All we are able to do is provide information and analysis to support the decision-making of the parties concerned."

Read the Council's final submission here »

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