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Tasman will support the process, not the outcome sought
August 5th, 2010
[TDC press release]
The Tasman District Council has reaffirmed that it will co-operate fully with the Local Government Commission in its investigation into the possible amalgamation of the Tasman District and Nelson City Councils.
"As a law abiding institution we will, of course, cooperate with the Commission and that has always been the position of the Council," said Tasman Mayor Richard Kempthorne. "This Council will assist in the legal process, but does not support the outcome sought by Councillor Miccio in his petition. We believe the majority of Tasman electors believe greater value and representation is delivered through the current two Council structure.
"We ask that Councillor Miccio refrain from using amalgamation as a political football. He should inform the ratepayers and residents of both Council areas of this investigation's true costs. As he will no doubt be appointed as the Elector's Representative for the process, the Tasman District Council believes he should reflect on the appropriateness of his venture, the cost to ratepayers of both Councils against the unlikely success of his amalgamation plans.
"Councillor Miccio has said that this process will not cost the ratepayers a cent. There is clear evidence to the contrary. The fact is the Commission will require a great deal of work to be completed by each Council to provide them with the information they need to make the decision whether to proceed with the amalgamation proposal. As this information will need to be comprehensive and detailed, it will involve significant amounts of staff time, which would otherwise be spent delivering the services our communities demand, and require. In my view Councillor Miccio should withdraw the petition and concentrate on maximising the benefits of shared services.
"In a region where greater value can be created through shared services with no loss of true representation, I don't believe it is appropriate for one Mayoral candidate to saddle ratepayers with bills in excess of six figures."
Comment by a (known) ratepayer who wishes his name withheld:
[Posted 6 August 2010]
"Councillor Miccio has said that this process will not cost the ratepayers a cent. There is clear evidence to the contrary."
"In a region where greater value can be created through shared services with no loss of true representation, I don't believe it is appropriate for one Mayoral candidate to saddle ratepayers with bills in excess of six figures."
Rather vague, we have no costing, a cent to six figures. I think the ratepayer needs to be a little more informed. Is Councillor Micco onto something or is he barking up a different tree than the rest of us? Or is it that TDC, whom I add has a habit of just making up costs for resource consents, development contributions and licences without proof of actual costs, really running scare?. Or if shared facilities is the way to go why wasn't it done long ago?
I have heard that when borough councils became two regional councils that all the shared facilties were shared but the only problem was all the good stuff (construction material and machinery) went to Nelson and Richmond and the not so good went elsewhere.
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