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Take Note citizen journalism prize

It's always been the case that anyone can write articles for publication on Motueka Online, but the best each month can now win prizes thanks to an initiative by local stationers Take Note Motueka to encourage budding citizen journalists.

Anyone submitting articles to this website will be considered for one of two $20 giftcard prizes from Take Note. The winners each month will be chosen by the website editor and announced on the home page as well as by email.

Since this community website was launched early in 2010, a major goal has been to encourage all Motueka citizens to contribute material for it, including news, articles, photos, discussion issues and opinions, information about upcoming events, and notices. So far the response has been okay but nowhere near full potential.

The website is not meant to be a forum for just a few people (or even just the editor) to contribute material to. It's hoped that this initiative with Take Note will provide a step toward fuller participation from the whole community.


There are just a few simple rules that will guide decisions of winners, and indeed whether or not submissions will be published. To be considered for publication, articles must comply with the websites Rules and Policies, particularly with regard to legal issues.

To be eligible for a Take Note prize, articles must be about something of interest and relevant to all or part of the Motueka community. It may, for example, be a rundown of a recent school fair or fundraising event, a community issue that can be researched, an item about some local history, or an interview with someone who's doing something currently of value to our community.

It may include some accompanying photos. It should be at least 250 words long and relating to something current. It may include personal opinions but provide more than just opinion. Of course grammar, spelling and story construction will be factors in choosing winners, but the most important criterion will be a willingness to do a good reporting job and provide interesting reading.

Due to copyright reasons, we cannot publish without permission stories which have already been published in either of the local newspapers, but we do not apply the rule in reverse - articles first published on this website can be reproduced in the papers if they so wish. However, as far as the Take Note prize is concerned, preference for prizewinners will be given to articles which do not subsequently appear in the local newspapers, and certainly not to ones which have already been published there.

If you're thinking of covering a local celebration or issues event, it may pay to check with David, the editor, first with a quick phone call () or email (), just in case that event is to be covered by David himself or some other writer. Doubling up can be unfortunate.


August 2011: Coralie Smith and Rae Dozell.
July 2011: Shirley Frater and Sophie Harrison.
June 2011: Sophie Harrison and Gemma Lamont.
May 2011: Coralie Smith and Will Garland.
April 2011: Malcolm Garrett and Joni Tomsett.



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