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Motueka rich with groups for young people

June 15th, 2011
By Gemma Lamont

Youth groups are a common feature in the life of young teens. With membership ages ranging from 13 up, they offer a safe haven for teenagers and help keep them off the street.

Every Tuesday from 4:30pm to 7:30pm Saint Thomas Anglican Church hosts a weekly youth get together. On average 15 students aged 13-17 meet at Saint Thomas's.

This youth group is one of the smaller youth groups in the Motueka District. Some groups reach memberships as high as 40. The $4 fee per person is used to pay for dinner that a different, small group cook each week. The group's leader Rick Bensemann organises a different fun activity each week.

Last week he put four different bowls around the room and the teams had to guess what each one contained. The activities have ranged from carrying eggs to buckets and constructing bridges. Nearing the end of each night a discussion about religion is held.

Other youth groups include Volume, MAD and 4g. Volume has a membership of 30 plus and have no fee as you don't eat dinner there. They too, have a fun atmosphere with a different theme each week and an in-house band. One week involved an army theme with dress-ups and fun activities. Volume runs every Friday during the term from 8pm to 11pm at the Church of Christ.

MAD Youth or Making a Difference youth is situated at the Baptist Church, 15 Greenwood Street and is on every Friday from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. They have a membership of 20-30 and their activities normally include exciting group games.

4g is a youth group at Tasman. It runs every Tuesday from 6:45pm to 8:30pm. They have a large membership of about 30. They have fun activities like spotlight.

Although these groups are Christian, people of any religion are encouraged to attend. Motueka is rich with youth groups and they are all open to the public to try.

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