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Offers to Volunteer

Place your own advertisement

If you are an individual or community group offering to volunteer your services to help in general or specific tasks for an organisation, you may advertise here, using up to about 80-100 words.
Please (or email directly to ) and provide the details of what you offer. Include
 ? the type of work you'd be happy to do,
 ? the skills and time commitment you have to offer,
 ? your contact details.

Current offers

Sandra Boyd
I can help with secretarial work, including minute taking. Possibly basic treasurers duties. I have experience in stock taking. I have organisational experience - for instance arranging displays, venues etc. I would be available for say, two half days a week, but would consider longer if it's a bigger job on a one-off situation. I have personal references if necessary. I'm semi-retired. My contact details are phone , or email