Abel Tasman Underwater Club
We are a friendly bunch of divers who love getting out there and getting wet.
Our dive club was established in April 2005 and has been responsible for providing outstanding dive trips for all our members ever since. The focus of the club is to get people diving. We run trips throughout the year catering for all levels of member interest and ability. We want to give you the opportunity to come on a dive and join the club so please contact one of our committee members for more info.
Our regular monthly dives are planned for every diver in mind so if you are new to this great sport you will be well looked after with one if not two of our top divers within the club.
Our club does not have a club house but we have a regular meeting at the Motueka RSA on the last Monday of every Month at 7:30pm, which you can come along to or drop in at Abel Tasman Outdoors 241 High St Motueka and have a chat to Kendall.
If you are not familiar with our dive club and your first contact with us is online: We would be pleased to hear from you! Please let us know what your needs and questions are, we will be more than happy to help.
Please stay in touch with us and visit our own website (www.abeltasmanunderwaterclub.co.nz) to keep up to date on the up and coming trips and to see what's been happening with in the club.
Kendall - or email
Mark -
Dean -