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Te Awhina Kõhanga Reo

Nau mai haere mai koutou katoa.

Kohanga Reo provides an environment that is caring, joyful and secure where the tamariki learn Te Reo Maori. Te Awhina Kohanga reo provides whanau and tamariki learning expectations through Te Reo me ona tikanga.

Parents are encouraged to participate and support their tamariki learning. We are a living learning nest that is total immersion in Te Ao Maori, the uniqueness is that the whanau are the one that are learning and nurturing the development of their tamariki .

Kohanga Reo will:

  • Build rich language and cultural environments.
  • Strengthen and nurture the total well being of our tamariki and whanau.
  • Provide support and guidance to protect and nuture the kaupapa o Te Kohanga Reo.

We offer care and education for tamariki from birth to 6 years old.

Te Awhina Kohanga Reo support and participate in Motueka community events, such as the Christmas Parade, Light festival, Waitangi day and more.

Our Mission Statement
To provide high quality education for our tamariki and whanau with in a supportive environment that is based on a strong foundation of Te Reo Maori. This will be guided by the values and principles of our Tupuna.

Te Awhina K?hanga Reo
133 Pah Street, (situated at Te Awhina Marae)

Postal Address:
P.O. Box 484
Motueka 7143

Contact us:
Monday to Friday to 3pm