Greenwood Kindergarten
At Greenwood Kindergarten we operate sessions appropriately, planned for the age and development of the children attending. In both sessions, we have a balance of structured and non-structured time incorporating meaningful and appropriate teacher participation.
We believe that children need to feel safe to explore their world and try new things.
We engage children by allowing them time to explore, experiment, imitate, ask questions and be questioned to further their thinking and problem solving skills. As passionate professional teachers we encourage children to think for themselves, and make decisions to work towards their own solutions while expressing their ideas and feelings. We acknowledge that we are all on a learning journey. As co-learners with the children we support, resource and explore possibilities alongside them.
Teachers incorporate tikanga and Te Reo Maori into the programme and the Kindergarten environment. The teaching team collaborates to develop a programme which is responsive, innovative, and adaptable to the needs and interests of the children, parents and whanau. The diversity of the teacher's strengths gives depth and passion to the teaching and learning programme with the Kindergarten.
We believe that parents / whanau have the greatest influence in a childs life and we view parents / whanau as our partners in the education of their child. The induction process at Kindergarten starts the relationship continues to develop through the daily happenings being shared, parents always being welcomed to stay at Kindergarten, invited on trips, being involved in circle time, FLG and events.
We recognise and foster an active partnership between the children, parents and whanau. As teachers we have compassion and understanding for our community and are dedicated to the children and Kindergarten.
Current sessions: (All sessions are mixed age group of 3-5 year old children)
Half day (AM) session: Monday - Friday
4¼ hours, 8.15am - 12.30pm
Full day session: Monday, Tues, Thurs
6¼ hours, 8.15am - 2.30pm
PM session: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
2 hours, 12:30pm - 2:30pm
Contact us:
51 Greenwood Street, Motueka 7120