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Friends of Raumanukas

The Raumanuka Reserve, at the end of Staples Street, is a popular place for walking and a great spot to view a wide range of birds that use the Moon Creek Estuary for feeding and resting. It is also a very important historical site. Iwi have lived, gardened and navigated this waterway for many hundreds of years.

More recently, the first European settlers landed here. The Raumanuka site has been used as a rubbish dump in the past and lost nearly all of its original vegetation. We are working to restore the site to its original habitat.

Raumanukas work days are held every 3rd Saturday of the month and the immediately following Monday. Start time: 9.30am. Wear strong shoes/boots, hat, gloves, sunscreen, etc. Tools, food, drink are provided. Thank you for your support and help.

The work day dates this year are -
May: 15 & 17,
June: 19 & 21,
July: 17 & 19,
August: 21 & 23,
September: 18 & 20,
October: 16 & 18,
November: 20 & 22.
No dates for December and January.

This project is organised by the Nelson/ Tasman Branch of the Royal Forest and Bird and is funded by the Community Conservation Fund which is administered by the Department of Conservation.

Read an article about the working bees here »