Keep Motueka Beautiful - projects past and present
Beautification of the Motueka environment is a key factor in Keep Motueka Beautiful Inc's projects. Apart from plantings and other beautification work, constructing walkways to enable the community to have good access to the wonders of the local scenery is ongoing.
During the past 12 months KMB has maintained earlier projects, e.g. 8 kilometres of walkways and weeding and watering garden plots. Mainly walkway maintenance involves topping up the crusher dust surface and weed spraying the verges. The crusher dust is purchased from a TDC grant from rates. The labour is provided by KMB using friends, committee members and PD workers.
The walkways are regularly weeded and protected from rabbits. Damaged trees are removed and re-plantings done. These walkways and plantings begun 9 years ago are now well established and the areas are looking beautiful with the numerous mainly native plantings. Hundreds of trees were planted at the existing Inlet Walkway area after a fire had destroyed the original plantings.
The Litter cart:
This operation is a KMB project and is still doing a good job of clearing the CBD of litter on a regular basis, and Ian carries walkway maps to give to anyone making enquiries. The finance for wages and litter cart maintenance comes from fundraising. Many thanks go to the Lion Foundation, Motueka McDonalds, local businesses and TDC. And to Top10 Holiday Park MOTUEKA.
New work has included the sink and drain at Beach Reserve installed after noticing that the BBQ and surrounds were being polluted with scrapings and dirty water from cooking and eating utensils. Permission was given from TDC to attach the sink and drain to the outside of the ablution block. Local plumbers and businesses gave discounts on time and materials. The result has been a great improvement in the area.
Inlet Walkway:
The extension to the Inlet Walkway from Courtney St East to Wharf Rd was a major recent project. A tough ask, the area through which the committee wished to build the track follows the edge of the estuary. The original informal survey by committee members was a daunting experience, as industrial properties adjacent to the estuary had used the area as a place to dump unwanted refuse, e.g. lumps of concrete, wire and mesh, bits of old machinery etc. The land they used was outside their factory boundaries but was unseen as no one willingly walked through the scrub and rubbish.
Once again this seemed to be a project which could never become a reality, as hard to achieve as the rest of the Inlet Walkway through an old sawdust dump. Due to great vision and persistence by some of the KMB members, talks began with interested parties and it finally came to fruition.
Before anything could be done, agreement had to be sought with DOC, TDC, owners of land adjacent to where the path was to go, and the KMB Committee. After a long negotiation period everyone reached agreement and were most cooperative, and eventually work began. Safety was a big concern as the industrial works were unfenced facing the estuary. TDC did a wonderful job of building a high hurricane wire safety fence. KMB used machinery to dig up the industrial rubbish, convolvulus and gorse, leaving as many trees as possible still standing.
The pathway was then cut out along the proposed route, meandering along the edge of the estuary leaving as much of a margin as possible for plantings. The cutting was then covered with base course and crusher dust. Materials and machinery hire were purchased with funds from TDC and Canterbury Community Trust. One seat and a picnic table was donated by one of the factories bordering the path and a local from Motueka. The work was done by PD workers, Keep Motueka Beautiful Committee members, and community volunteers.
On March 21st the new extension was officially opened by Mayor Richard Kempthorne after a walk by about 50 members of the public along the old track and the extension. This was followed by a free BBQ, much appreciated by everyone. All who attended the ceremony were very appreciative of the track and the new off-road access to walkers and cyclists as well as being able to see the beauty of the estuary from a new angle.
There is now walking access from Wharf Road by the roundabout through to Tudor Street as well as along Motueka Quay through the Kumeras to Staple Street. The seats donated by local people and industries are located to give track users places to relax and enjoy the views.
Plantings along the side of the estuary have started, an aim being to provide areas where bird life will be able to find areas for nesting. The scrub and trees taken out to make room for the walkway have been mulched and the mulching stored to use on future plantings.
Adopt a Plot:
The work of KMB was becoming onerous for the Committee, especially those more physically involved in construction and maintenance of all projects. Bob Cooke came up with a brainwave, "Adopt a Plot". In 2008 the inlet walkway area was divided into plots and the public were asked to consider taking over plots to weed, fertilise and maintain.
A map showing the 34 plots is displayed at the Old Wharf Road entrance and each plot has been taken up by individuals, families or groups - a great result. The further south in the area, the more recently developed are the plots - the earliest ones are now well developed with high foliage. One plot is grassed with no other plantings, to provide an open space. An ornamental bridge was built by High School students to cross a narrow wetland strip to an island with a seat - a place to sit and reflect while looking across the tidal inlet.
Next project:
Keep Motueka Beautiful is already planning the next project - the extension of the walkway along Wharf Rd from the roundabout to Link Park near Trewavas St. This will be the next step towards finishing a circular walk around the estuary. It is at the negotiation stage at present as some engineering work will be required to bridge the water inlet at one side of the causeway and resource consent is being sought.
The Committee welcomes new members and/or people who wish to join in working bees.
Click here to view some photos of the work KMB has done around the Inlet Walkway and plots.