Contribute an article about gardening to Motueka Online
We welcome any contributed articles to place on these gardening pages of MotuekaOnline. As a general guideline, the article should be about something that will be of some general interest to gardening folk of Motueka, about vegetables and/or flowers and ornamentals. Your favourite plants, or favourite methods of growing, or gardening experiences.
If you want to retain the copyright, please let us know and we will place a copyright notice on your page.
You may contribute your article using either the form below, typing your article into the box provided. Or you may send it by email, with the article either as the body of the email or as a document attachment.
If you prefer to email it, simply . Make sure you include your name and contact details, and if convenient attach the article as a text document, perhaps with photos. Otherwise, use this form:
Note also that we reserve the right to decline publication of anything containing offensive matter or which may present legal problems (libel, defamation, etc), or is blatant advertising of a private business or venture. We may also edit your contribution if there are serious spelling or grammatical errors. In general, if you are in doubt about the acceptability of your contribution, first check our Rules and Policies.