Motueka Festival of Lights: Calendar of Events
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Friday 18th June
Opening Ceremony & Light Up: 6:00pm. Short speeches, karakia, waiata & photo competition's winners announced. Chris Auchinvole, as local MP, will formally open Festival Week, by flicking on the main light; this starts Motueka's first ever Mardi Gras (State Highway closed). Outside Motueka Museum.
Saturday 19th June
Photographic Competition by SeniorNet Motueka's Digital Interest Group (DIG). June 19th - July 30th. Motueka Museum (Tues Fri, 10:00 - 4:00pm) and Muses Cafe. Enjoy beautiful images by local photographers and see the winning entries.
The Blue Belles: Good old time music from the 50's & 60's; 11:00 - noon, outside Motueka Museum.
The Knitters knitting group: From 1:30pm, Baptist Hall Church, Greenwood Str. A fun afternoon with a speed knitting competition, displays, prizes, raffles and afternoon tea. $5 entry, all proceeds to St Johns. Bring a pair of no. 8 needles and a ball of Double Knit yarn to enter. Otherwise, just come and check it out if you want to learn to knit. Contact Faith for more info: .
The Madsens' 70s Tribute Night: A fundraiser for Motueka High School. 7:30pm, Memorial Hall, Pah Street. Continuous supper, cash bar & R18. $20.00 tickets from Floral Affaire and Motueka High School Office (limited door sales; $25.00). Tables can be reserved for groups of 8 or more; contact Michelle Broderick .
Sunday 20th June
Family Fun Bicycle Ride: 1:00pm (Motueka Rec Centre & TDC), starts at the Motueka Skateboard Park, Old Wharf Road. [Note; due to wet weather, this has been postponed to a date to be announced]
Golden Oldies Car Display: 1:00 - 4:00pm, Netball Courts, Rec Centre, Old Wharf Road (if wet then 27th June, same time & venue). Gold coin entry. [Note; this has now been postponed to next Sunday, 27th]
Debate; "Motueka, the super city": 7:00pm, Supper Room, Memorial Hall, Pah St. Roger Hynd, Malcolm Garrett & David Ogilvy will debate against Moeke Paaka, Ron Sharp & Tara Forde. Light supper to follow.
Monday 21st June
Motueka NZ Fire Service Brigade: 12:00 -1:00pm, by Motueka Museum, High St.
Films: Len Lye, Sculpter extraordinaire: Uses theme of light for free form hanging sculptures. Motueka State Theatre. 6.00pm. Charge $5.00
Tuesday 22nd June
Films: Len Lye, Sculpter extraordinaire: Uses theme of light for free form hanging sculptures. Motueka State Theatre. 10.45am. Charge $5.00
Motueka Tennis Club Challenge: Anyone for a few games of tennis? A light morning tea and buffet lunch will be offered, plus there are prizes and extra rackets will be available for those that need them. (Thursday 24th if wet.)
Motueka High School's musical groups & soloists perform: 12:00 - 1:00pm, by Motueka Museum, High St.
Wednesday 23rd June
Brooklyn School's Dancing Display: 12:00 - 1:00pm, by Motueka Museum, High St.
Wedding Dresses from Yesteryear: 10:00am - 3:30pm, Wednesday - Friday, TruthFinders Church, cnr Poole & High Streets. Gold coin donation.
"Will; the Lost Years": Motueka High School. An original work, based upon Shakespeare's journey of self-discovery which forms the basis for his incredible plays. 7:00pm, adults $15.00pp, students & children $10.00pp. Tickets from Motueka High School and Paper Plus.
Thursday 24th June
Rum & Coke Band: A toe tapping swing band; 12:00 - 1:00pm, by Motueka Museum, High St.
Wedding Dresses from Yesteryear: 10:00am - 3:30pm, Wednesday - Friday, TruthFinders Church, cnr Poole & High Sts. Gold coin donation.
"Will; the Lost Years": Motueka High School. An original work, based upon Shakespeare's journey of self-discovery which forms the basis for his incredible plays. 7:00pm, adults $15.00pp, students & children $10.00pp. Tickets from Motueka High School and Paper Plus.
Friday 25th June
Motueka Golf Tournament: 10:00am, Motueka Golf Club, Harbour Rd.
Wedding Dresses from Yesteryear: 10:00am - 3:30pm, Wednesday Friday, TruthFinders Church, cnr Poole & High Sts. Gold coin donation.
Podlesi, a Celtic band; 12:00 - 1:00pm, by Motueka Museum, High St.
"Will; the Lost Years": Motueka High School. An original work, based upon Shakespeare's journey of self-discovery which forms the basis for his incredible plays. 7:00pm, adults $15.00pp, students & children $10.00pp. Tickets from Motueka High School and Paper Plus.
Motueka Music group presents The Tasman Brass Ensemble: 7:30pm, Chanel Arts Centre, High Street $10.00pp entry.
Saturday 26th June
Wedding Dresses from Yesteryear: 10:00am - 12 noon, Special extra day added to original programme, due to popularity, TruthFinders Church, cnr Poole & High Sts. Gold coin donation.
Northern Lights: contemporary world folk music; 11:00 -12:00pm, by Motueka Museum, High St.
"Will; the Lost Years": Motueka High School. An original work, based upon Shakespeare's journey of self-discovery which forms the basis for his incredible plays. 7:00pm, adults $15.00pp, students & children $10.00pp. Tickets from Motueka High School and Paper Plus.
[THIS EVENT HAS NOW BEEN POSTPONED TO NEXT FRIDAY 2ND JULY] Matariki Celebration: 6:00 - 7:00pm, Decks Reserve, behind the Motueka I-site, Wallace St. Performers and laser light show. Gold coin donation & $10.00 hangi. [Added] Click here for detailed information »
Old Time Dance: Friendly people, wonderful dances, learners welcome. 7:30pm, Memorial Hall, Pah St.
Sunday 27th June
Mid-Winter Swim: Make a splash at Riwaka School's annual Mid-Winter Swim at Kaiteriteri. 10:00am start, followed by 10:15am swim, Duck Race and Big Dig. A big community event with prizes including Best Dressed Swimmer. Fund raiser for Riwaka School.
Golden Oldies Car Display: 1:00 - 4:00pm, Netball Courts, Rec Centre, Old Wharf Road (if wet then 27th June, same time & venue). Gold coin entry. [Note; was postponed from June 20th]
Friday 2nd July [added after postponement from previous Saturday]
Matariki Celebration: 7:00pm, Recreation Centre. Performers and laser light show. Gold coin donation & $10.00 hangi. Also bouncey castle & associated food stalls. Click here for detailed information »