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Motueka celebrated the return of the godwits from Alaska at the start of Conservation Week. Every year they come to the Motueka Sandspit and Estuary to spend the summer in our area.

Programme of Events, 2010

Saturday 11 September
10.00am: Memorial Hall open to view displays, competitions, shows
11.15: Karakia, official opening and speeches
11.50: Ukes of Hazzard, godwit song
11.55: Hon. Kate Wilkinson, presentation of competition prizes
2.00pm: Trevor James, TDC, speaking on Looking After Our Estuary.
4.00: Close

Sunday 12 September
10.00am - 4.00pm - Memorial Hall open to view displays, competitions, shows
1.30pm - David Melville, ornithologist, speaking on godwit research
3.00pm: Viewing of godwits from Motueka Quay with members of Ornithological Society
4.00pm: Close

Click here for a report on the 2010 event »


The Motueka Arts Council supported the celebrations with events including a Children's Art Competition, adult's photographic and literacy competitions, and displays and information about godwits, the importance of the estuary and local wading birds.

There were four competitions: photography, poetry and short story for adults, and art for students. The subject for all competitions was "Motueka Sandspit and Estuary - Summer Home of the Godwits". This could be interpreted broadly and include anything to do with that area, such as birds, landscapes, estuary wildlife, sea, sand, etc. Entries were displayed in the Memorial Hall during the weekend. List of prizewinners here »