Welcome to Motueka Uniting Parish
St Andrews Methodist/Presbyterian Church
64 High St, Motueka, opposite Inglis Street.
In July 2012, the parish received a directive from the Presbyterian Property Trustees instructing the parish that because of the building's poor seismic strength rating, it had to remain closed until remedial action to make the building safe had been completed. (See the full news story here)
As of September 1st, 2015 the EQ strengthening work was complete and we have returned to having our worship services in the church, after three years of services in the hall. In October we held a special service to celebrate the successful completion of the renovations to our spiritual home. The work was done in keeping with the historical status of the building and with great sympathy to the original design of our forefathers and and we are very pleased with it
Presbyter: Rev David Ahn
Home Ph: or
Parish Clerk: Peter Smale
Home Ph:
Church restoration fundraising
If you wish to make a donation to help with the strengthening and refurbishment of the church, please make your payment to our Nelson Building Society bank account .
If you would like a tax receipt for your donation, please contact the Treasurer, June Vincent on or send a cheque to P O Box 265 Motueka, along with your name and address and a receipt will be returned to you.
- Worship services: Rev David Ahn, or , Sunday 9.30am. (Communion services: 1st. Sunday)
- Stillpoint (meditation)
- Bible study group: Pat Moses, , Tuesday 10.00am
- Prayer group: Pat Moses, , Monday 3.30pm
- Choir (practice): John & Helen Rimmer, , Sunday 11.15am
- House groups:
- Mrs Jennie Askew, , monthly
- Richard Hayward, , monthly
- Mr David Martin, , monthly
- Mrs Pat Moses, , monthly
- Stitch & chat: Mrs Barbara Loveridge, , 1st & 3rd Tuesday 2.00pm, at Woodlands Rest Home
- Womens Fellowship: Mrs Barbara Loveridge, , 3rd Wednesday 2.00pm
Wider Church websites:
www.ucanz.org.nz - Uniting Congregations of Aotearoa New Zealand
www.epworthbooks.org.nz - Recommended Christian bookshop, Epworth Books.