A warm welcome to Tasman Bible Church
Tasman Bible Church is a community of Christians who meet on a regular basis for mutual encouragement, worship and Bible teaching. A warm welcome is extended to all who want to attend our Sunday meetings or our various other ministries. We strive to make people feel at home regardless of background, race, age or gender.
We have many ministries catering specifically for children, and host an integrated Christian Primary School on-site. In addition, we have a Seniors Group, various Home Groups, and a vibrant Youth Group.
Our main aim as a church is to glorify God by faithfully teaching His Word, sharing the good news about Jesus Christ with others, and encouraging believers to live godly, productive lives.
We Value
- A loving relationship with God more than anything else in life
- Meeting together as a family of believers on a regular basis
- Being taught Biblical truth and living in light of that truth
- Worshipping God - both in the context of Christian community, and in the way we live before God
- The rich variety of abilities that each member of the church has been given by God for the common good
- Active participation in the life of the church by all church members
- Sharing the Good News about Jesus Christ with those who do not yet know Him
Sunday Morning Service: 10:00am at 6 Williams Rd, Tasman (off Aporo Rd)
For more info visit us online at www.tasmanbiblechurch.org.nz.