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Welcome to St Thomas' Anglican Church


Our parish is centred on the church of St Thomas in Motueka where the vicarage is situated, and also includes the communities of Riwaka and Ngatimoti each with its own church.


Motueka: St Thomas Church is almost 100 years old, panelled in rimu, and can seat 120 comfortably. The adjoining foyer is used for many day to day functions within the life of the church. Flowing from this, the modern auditorium can hold up to 200 people. Behind this complex is the Parish Centre which houses the children's ministry, creche and counselling rooms.

Riwaka: St Barnabas church is in Riwaka, 5 minutes from Motueka towards Kaiteriteri. There is a fortnightly service at 9:30am followed by a social time in the foyer.

Ngatimoti: Ngatimoti is a small rural community in the Motueka valley some 20 minutes drive from Motueka which boasts a hall, a church and a school. The church is a lovely 125 year old historic building and is set to the backdrop of Mount Arthur. There is a monthly service and the church family actively promote the use of the church for weddings etc. There is also a small hall.

Worship Services

St Thomas', Motueka: The main parish church has two morning services: 9.00 am N.Z.P.B Liturgy, in the church. Traditional Holy Communion Service. 10.30 am Family Communion, in the auditorium. A more informal service. Cool Kids (Children's programme) and Tom's Tots (Creche) are held in parallel with this service. Morning tea is held between the 9.00 and 10.30 services, to allow both congregations to meet and mingle. There is also Holy Communion at 11am on Thursday morning.

St Barnabas, Riwaka: 9.00 am, 2nd and 4th Sundays N.Z.P.B. Service.

St James, Ngatimoti: 10.30 am, 3rd Sunday of the month.

Children and Family Ministry

Cool Kids takes place at St Thomas alongside the 10:30am service. The format is designed to give opportunities for the children to praise and worship together, share in small groups, and to be encouraged to grow and out work their faith in everyday life.

Tom's Tots also takes place at St Thomas alongside the 10:30am service and follows the same theme as Cool Kids. The ministry offers a place for the up to 5 year olds to be together and learn more about the bible.

Youth Group. Not currently running.

Ministry to Adults

'Messy Church': An informal gathering centred on activities for the whole family, a shared meal (provided) and a time of looking at what the bible and the Christian life is all about. Usually held at 5pm on the last Tuesday each month, but check with church office or the notices on the parish website for dates.

AAW: This group of women meet on a monthly basis and run various social and spiritual activities. This group also is active in supporting outreach programmes.

Men's Group: The men run a monthly breakfast meeting which often features a topical guest speaker.

Study Group: There are adult Bible study groups. Check the parish website for details.

Prayer Labyrinth: There is an area for contemplative and reflective prayer set in St Thomas' grounds. This is a quiet and peaceful corner which is open to the public.

Prayer Chain: A co-ordinator receives prayer requests and is supported by a list of approx 7 prayers. Intercessory Prayer: This group meets weekly on Thursday after the 11am service.

Walking for Health: This group meets at at the church at 9am Tuesday and Friday mornings. An hour long walk is enjoyed around the streets and parks nearby, finishing back at the church for a social time together. Both community and church people are involved.

Community Services

Tom Thumb's Playgroup: This programme runs in the creche within the Parish Centre and meets on Thursdays from 9:30am to mid-day. A staff member co-ordinates the programme and, along with volunteer members of St Thomas, carries out pastoral visiting with families who attend the playgroup.

Pre-school Music and Movement: This is held each Wednesday at 10-11am in the church auditorium. The programme involves approximately 30 minutes of music, dance and songs followed by morning tea for everyone, and is very popular.

Winning With Words: This is an after school literacy programme for 6-10 year olds. Children who struggle with reading, spelling or writing come once a week for small group tuition with a trained teacher. Check with the church office for details.

Contact us

The Church Office is open Wednesday and Thursday, 9.30 am to 12.30 pm, or you can leave a phone message on . Or email us at