Welcome to St Peter Chanel Catholic Parish
423 High Street, Motueka
Parish Priest:
Fr Pat Maloney
Phone: , Cellphone: .
Parish Office:
Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 1.00pm - 5.00pm
Secretary: Janet Thorp
PO Box 49, Motueka 7143
Parish School:
Principal: Margaret Campbell-McCauley,
Director of Religious Studies:
Secretary: Kaye Lindup,
Email Address:
This week:
Mass Times:
Monday to Thursday: 9.30am
Friday: 12 noon
Saturday - Vigil: 5pm
Sunday: 9.30am (includes childrens' liturgy)
Saturday: 10.30am-11.00am
Weekly newsletter
You can download and view this week's Parish Newsletter (a PDF file) here »
"Serving the district of Motueka"
Parish Priest: Fr Pat Maloney, although semi-retired, is our Parish Priest, and is available for all the sacramental duties, including masses, reconciliation, christenings, funerals, weddings, visiting the sick and emergencies. Phone
The Parish Office is located at the rear of the Presbytery directly opposite the school. Our Parish Secretary, Janet Thorp, works in the office Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The phone number is .
St Peter Chanel School is a Catholic integrated primary school catering for students in years 1-8. It currently has a roll of 56 students. The school participates in all inter-school sports, music festivals and other curricular activities. The special character is evident in all aspects of school life and values are firmly grounded in the Catholic faith. There are well-established links to the adjacent church and its community.
The school takes an active role in the life of the wider Parish, through class masses, Sunday liturgies, and family masses. A family atmosphere, emphasising respect, and tolerance, promotes a safe emotional environment for students.
Parish Pastoral Council:
Jim Maguire,
Ben van der Wijngaart,
Margaret Campbell-McCauley,
Malcolm Garrett,
Kevin Thompson,
Tanya Carney,
Parish Finance Committee:
Robin McGregor,
Maree Satherley,
Francine Rea,
John Leydon
The Parish and its parishioners working together