Welcome to Motueka Baptist Church
Motueka Baptist Church is located just off High St at 15 Greenwood St. It doesn't look much like a Church from the street. It's a big old house behind trees with a big lawn and nice gardens . . . but that's what we like at Motueka Baptist.
And that's what we are like too. Often churches are buildings designed for everyone to sit in facing the front and one or two people to doing their thing on the platform and everyone else responding on cue. Motueka Baptist is about everyone being equally loved and valued by God. Everyone fitting in, everyone cared for, everyone significant . . . kind of like a family.
That's what we think Church should be and that's why we like our building and lawn and garden and kind-of laid back casual style.
We do have "services" and they are usually something special. Not because we have discovered how to do Church services well . . . it's because we are more focussed on being a big family getting together than on creating a cool Church service. Sunday morning we meet at 10am and Sunday night at 6pm, and pretty much every Sunday of the year there is a Children's program called Power-Station that runs at the same time on Sunday morning.
We have awesome youth who meet on Friday nights during the school term. They are called M.A.D. Youth which stands for Making A Difference.
We have various other groups that meet at various other times: Ambrosia is a women's connect, care and craft group; Tight 5's are what other Churches might call home groups. We believe that God shows His love as much, if not more than He talks about it, and so should we so we have various ways we do that into the Motueka community:
Saturday Servants is a team of people that go out about twice a month and serve people. Usually that means garden work but we paint sometimes, fix things, tidy things, move things etc.
Once a month we show Classic Movies to senior citizens. Contact us to find out when and what the next one is.
Fresh Perspective is a team of trained mentors helping people at their place with parenting and other family issues.
Check out our website: www.motbaptist.com or our Facebook page.
You would be welcome at Motueka Baptist Church. Like anywhere you might feel a little awkward the first time you come but the fantastic people here will soon make you feel right at home and part of the family.