Motueka Community House
Decks Reserve
P O Box 350, MOTUEKA
LOCATION - Northern end of Deck's Reserve Carpark, opposite the Information Centre.
A number of representatives from several Community Groups got together originally to seek out a shared venue which could offer each of them a low rental. With their great enthusiasm and a lot of effort, the Motueka Community House was born.
On the 9th of November 1991 the House was officially opened. In June of the previous year Motueka's old Courthouse was cut in two, and lifted by crane to it's present site, where it was made whole again and renovated. The original groups within the house were Red Cross, Changing Men, Budget Advice, Maatua Whangai, the Employment Resource Centre, Adult Reading and Learning, Women's Support Link and Homebuilders - 7 groups in all.
Some of these organisations have moved on or folded now, but others are occupying their rooms within the house. In 2001 a decision was made to extend the facilities as there was an increased demand for Community Groups needing office space. We now have full occupation with 13 groups housed under our roof.
The House is an Incorporated Society, registered with the Charities Commission, and is run by a Committee which meets monthly.
Community House Reception: (Hours - Monday to Friday, 9am - 3pm
or leave a message on the answer-phone)
Adult Learning Support: (By Appointment) - . See their web page »
Grey Power: (Hours Monday - Friday, 9am - 3pm) - . Web page »
Fresh FM: - Or Nelson -
Family Start: Enquiries to or txt/ring Sharyn
Motueka SASH Support Link: Sexual Abuse Support, drop in or phone
Nelson Bays Community Law: (Hours - 9am to 2pm Monday, Wednesday and Thursday -
Red Cross: Monday - Friday, 10am - 2pm. Ph
SF Nelson-Motueka Office: (By Appointment) -
St Vincent de Paul: (Hours - Tuesdays & Thursdays 1.30pm - 2.30pm). See their web page »
Women's Support Link: (Hours - Monday to Friday 9am to 12 Noon) - 24 Hour Phone-line . See their web page »
COMMUNITY MEETING ROOM (available 7 days weekly)
Hire Charges are:
$20 for Community Groups, for up to 4 hours
$30 for Commercial Groups or individuals, for up to 4 hours
$50 for Functions - Weddings, Birthdays, Funerals, for up to 4 hours
Bookings can be made between 9am and 3pm Monday to Friday, or a message can be left on our answer-phone - .
Facilities Include: 6 large tables, 1 small table, 50 chairs. Kitchen with instant hot water, stove and microwave, data projector and whiteboard.
Health & Community Information
Motueka Community House holds a Contract with the Nelson Bays Primary Health Organisation to improve people's access to health and wellness information. If you need information on where to access health services in the Motueka area, the Coordinator Rae Dozell can direct you to the appropriate agencies.
Community House also provides Health presentations such as their annual Women's and Men's Health nights, Anxiety and Depression workshops and Healthy Lifestyles programmes. So if you are new to town or a local looking for community information, drop in and see Rae or Gaile between 9am - 3pm Monday to Friday.
Motueka Community & Whanau Network
Rae Dozell is also the Coordinator for the Community and Whanau meetings which are held once a month. The Network meetings are an opportunity for staff and volunteers from community organisations to get together on a monthly basis. These meetings provide a forum where issues, ideas or projects of interest can be raised and discussed, valuable information, ideas and strategies are shared.
Anyone is welcome at the meetings which are held at midday at Community House on the first Wednesday of the month, for further information, please ring Rae at Community House or on .
Photocopying - A4 = $0.10c each
A3 = $0.15c each
Typing Services at reasonable rates.
Our receptionist can also offer the public information and advice on what services can be accessed within Community House as well as groups and organisations which are available locally to meet people's needs.
(All Community Groups are welcome), 12 noon to 1pm, first Wednesday of each month. Information here »