Community Noticeboard
This is a free noticeboard for community activities and events that take place in the Motueka area over time, not one-off events. It is not for selling or business activities. You can submit a notice you'd like to place on the board by clicking here.
Change to after-hours phone calls for Motueka GPs
This is to advise that the 0800MOTGPS afterhours telephone number for Motueka will no longer be active from 1 July. Please call either Greenwood Health 03- or Central Medical Motueka 03- direct, who will be able to either book you an appointment time or divert your call to the other practice, depending on which practice is on call for the respective after-hours period. Alternatively you can also call Healthline 016 for advice.
Motueka SASH Support Link
We work with women and children seeking healing from rape and sexual abuse both recent and historic. To access any of our services and talk in confidence to someone who will understand, phone .
Jiu Jitsu
Meets Wednesday nights at 7.30pm at the Recreation Centre. For 16 years plus. Phone and ask for David.
Big Brothers Big
Sisters of Nelson
Ever had a caring adult help you out? Want to pay it forward? We need you to make a difference to the lives of Motueka young people. Become a mentor! Ph or go to www.bigbrothersbigsisters. org.nz/local/nelson
Special Olympics Motueka
Providing sporting opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities. Motueka Club offers Indoor Bowls, Bocce, Swimming, Equestrian and Ten Pin. For more info please contact Sue Cleaver or .
Solo Parents Social Club
Are you a solo mum or dad and you don't get out much? We are starting a group to help expand your friendship network. We get together once a fortnight for a pot luck dinner, in a local home based environment. Contact Laura or or .
Wahine Warrant of Fitness
Have you ever wondered where you are at with your health? Do you ever wonder about your fertility and life style? Everyone who comes before October 31st gets a free information pack and a voucher for a free mirimiri (massage). Booking essential. Call or txt/call 7.
Summer social tennis
Motueka Tennis Club runs Wednesday evening social competitive tennis for adult players 5.45 - 8pm, each week until 2nd April. $2 per person.
Open Eyes Learning
Holiday Programme
A nature and art based holiday programme over the summer of 2014 in Riwaka, from the 6th of January for 3 weeks. Enrolments open now. Check www.nature-based.wikispaces.coma for details or find us on Facebook. Or contact Bridget on .
Babbling Books
Motukea Library book group. Talk about the latest book you have read, hear what others have been reading and get some great recommendations for you next read. Meets the first Thursday of every month, 1pm at the Motueka Library. You are welcome to bring your lunch.
Dru Yoga
Soft flowing movement that helps dissolve stress and tightness, improves posture, circulation and sleeping patterns. Tuesday 6.10pm - 7.40pm, Riverside Community and Cultural Centre. Sue Cleaver ;
60+ Social Club
Meets Tuesdays from 9.30am to 1.30pm. Transport provided, morning tea, lunch, fun activities, outings to places of interest. $12.50. Phone .
Yoga Class - Vinyasa Flow
Tuesdays 9.30 - 10.45am at Riverside Community Centre. Thursdays 6.30 - 7.45pm at Parklands School, Aniwaniwa Room. All levels welcome. Drop-in class $10. Bring yoga mat, light blanket, water bottle. Contact Jo .
Free Budget Advice
Worried about your finances? Or planning for the future? Come see one of our trained budget advisors. Free, confidential, non-judgemental advice and support. Office or home based. All weekdays, Family Service Centre, 27 Talbot Street, 5280234
Whaea ki te Whaea. Breastfeeding support and encouragement. One on one support, over the telephone or face to face, with a trained volunteer. We can meet with you before and after your babies born. Contact Phillipa or 6
Come and enjoy a convivial evening of Housie and support the Motueka Brass and Pipe Bands. Held every Monday evening in the Motueka RSA dining room, starting 7.30pm.
Indoor Bowls
At the Motueka Memorial RSA Club, Wednesdays at 7.15pm.
No Kidding Friends
Nelson Bays group. Enjoying life as an adult not a parent! Complete without kids! Childfree and loving it! New social club. Ph . Visit www.meetup.com
Lighthouse Spiritual
Awareness Centre
Meets the first Thursday of each month at 7.30pm at the Band Hall, Recreation Centre. Contact .
Parenting Education &
Support Groups
Family Service Centre provides parenting and health information along with fun activities. Meets Mondays, 10am - noon for families with preschoolers, and Wednesdays 10am - noon for parents and babies.
Alcoholics Anonymous
If you want to drink that's your business. If you want to stop we can help. Meetings every Wednesday, 7:30 pm and Friday, 7:00pm at the Salvation Army Hall, 6 Greenwood Street, Motueka.
Alzheimers Society
Provides support and advice to families living with memory loss. Coffee morning, 1st Wednesday of month at Toad Hall. Support group for carers, 3rd Wednesday of month at Jack Inglis Friendship Hospital boardroom. Contact fieldworker: .
Free Music Tuition
With the Municipal Brass Band. Learn to read music and to play a brass instrument. Lessons are free; instrument hire $10 per school term. 9 year olds to adults welcome. Inquiries: Ian Willetts or John Rimmer .
Zumba with Lynne
Memorial Hall Monday 9.15am - 10.15am, Memorial Hall Tuesday 10am - 11am, Memorial Hall Wednesday evening 6pm - 7pm, Memorial Hall Friday 9.15am - 10.15am, Recreation Centre Friday evening 6pm - 7pm. Cost $5.00.
Victim Support
This community support service is now recruiting men and women from all walks of life to train as volunteer Support Workers in the Motueka area. For information and an application pack, phone Donna Smith, .
Motueka Amateur
Radio Club
Meets on the first Monday of each month at 7.30pm, at the Search and Rescue rooms, Motueka police station. Join the world of radio communications. Visitors and enquiries welcome. Phone Steve (day only).
Supporting Parents Alongside Children's Education is based at Motueka Playcentre, for first-time parents and their infants. Inquiries to Bridgit, .
Old time dance group
Social dancing on Thursdays starting at 7.30pm, at Uniting Church Hall. Beginners welcome, suitable for all ages. Contact Margaret, .
Bus trips to ASB
Aquatic Centre, Nelson
These are timed to take in Aquafitness classes or your own swimming choice. Leaving the Rec Centre carpark Wednesdays at 9.45am, returning about 1pm. $7.50 return, preschoolers free.
Pregnancy dance classes
for active childbirth preparation
Every Saturday, 10am at Community House. $8 per session. An hour's dancing followed by refreshments, aromatherapy, reflexology, birth chants, deep breathing and birth wisdom. Contact Helen on or .
Nelson Bays
Community Law Service
A free service out of the Motueka Community House, phone . Office open Mondays 10am - 3pm and Wednesdays 9am - 1pm. Free legal information and advice for individuals and groups.
Student exchange programme
Enquiries are open for programmes for 2013-14 for students aged 14 to 18. Early bird discounts to Italy & USA. Phone Gillian (O3) or O. Scholarships awarded every year.
Motueka Maternity Unit
Free Maternity Stays. Birth and Postnatal Care (including transfer after a birth in Nelson Hospital). Talk to your LMC midwife or call us on Ext 2 (or ) to arrange a tour.
Salvation Army community food bank
The food bank is now able process food parcels from 10am - 2pm every Wednesday. We are also maintaining the 1 - 2pm time slot for Mondays and Fridays.
Prana Yoga
(Hatha and Hatha Vinyasa)
A dynamic class linking postures and breath. Currently classes held at the Motueka Rec Centre. Mon, Thurs - 6.30pm; Wed - 10.30am. Watch this space for more classes and different venues. For details call Anna, or 0 (txt only).
Diabetes Support Group
Nelson Diabetes Support Group meets on the last Friday of every month, 1.30 to 3 pm at Nick Smith's Rooms, 544 Waimea Road, Annesbrook. Bring a plate for afternoon tea together with the recipe. Gold coin donation. Phone Joan .
One to One Art Sessions
Enjoy working on your own artwork under the guidance of an experienced Artist/Tutor in Motueka. Each session day or evening is tailored to your individual needs, various techniques and media covered. Contact Catherine Kent, , phone
Yoga classes
Fridays, 5 - 6.30pm, at Laura Ingram Kindergarten; Thursdays, 5.30 - 7.00pm, at Ngatimoti Community Rooms, Fire Station. During school terms only. For more information phone Mechthild Laufkotter at .
Zumba classes
Monday and Wednesday 6.00pm, and Wednesday and Friday 9.30am. Memorial Hall, cost $7 for 1 hour of fun. Classes open to all ages and abilities. Bring a water bottle and wear comfy footwear. Contact Emma or on Facebook: EJ Zumba.
Motueka Amnesty International
Meets on the second Thursday of every month at 7.30pm, venue changes. Contact Steve or Tammy on for further information. New members always welcome.
Veteranettes Leisure Marching Team
We are a small group of older adults who practice once a week at the Recreation Centre for fun, fitness and friendship. We are looking for new members. For more information, click here.
Motueka Cadet Unit
Parade on Mondays at 6.45pm at the Recreation Centre, for a range of activities including weekend camps. Phone .
Motueka Bowling Club
Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 1.00pm to 3.30pm. Now bowlers are most welcome. Phone Desma or Pat .
Ladies Probus Group
We meet every second Friday at the Band Rooms, Recreation Centre at 10am. This group is open to all ladies and we enjoy fellowship and fun. We have interesting guest speakers so come and join us!
Babytime at Motueka
Public Library
A fun, hands-on session with songs, movement, rhymes and stories for children two years and younger with their caregivers. Every Friday during school term time starting at 10am.
Car pooling
Tasman District Council has information on its website about rides in the Tasman/Nelson Region from Jayride, New Zealand's largest car pooling website. View details here
Yoga & Relaxation Classes
Ease stress, strengthen your body, relieve back pain, feel fantastic with this gentle, flowing yoga & relaxation. Suitable for all ages & abilities. Wednesday 9.30-11am. St John's Ambulance Hall, Courtney St. Contact Fiona or .
Function room
The Motueka Community House, Decks Reserve, function room is available 7 days a week at reasonable rental rates. For information, phone Gaille at .
Mainly Music
Musical activities that help you and your preschooler have fun together while aiding in the development of coordination, movement and balance. Tasman Bible Church every Wednesday of the school term at 10am. Contact Judy or Lorna .
Motueka Newcomers
New to the region? Meet new friends at Muses Cafe, beside the museum, at 10.30am Wednesdays for coffee, or at the Drop In Centre at the Community House in Decks Reserve on Fridays 10am - 12 noon.
The Welcome Mat
Come for a chat and meet new friends. Children welcome. Every 2nd Wednesday, 10.30am - noon at the Community House, Decks Reserve. Inquiries: or .
A full body workout creating long lean muscles, improving posture and flexibility. Reduces back pain, injury & stress. Classes to suit most abilities from child to grandparent, men & women. Private Equipment Sessions also available. Phone Michelle Alexander, .
Family Planning &
Sexual Health
Provides contraception (condoms, combined pill, emergency contraception, depo provera and mini pill). A charge of $10.00 for clients aged over 25 otherwise free. Free pregnancy testing, Screening for STIs, & Cervical Screening. Ph: .
Family Whanau
Support Services
Free and confidential, supportive and non-judgemental. Builds upon the strengths of your family/whanau. We support you to make positive changes for yourself and your family. Free Counselling may be available. Ph: .
Probus Club of Motueka
Retired men are invited to our club meetings as visitors. Meetings are held on the morning of the first Friday of each month. Contact our visitor's officer, Terry Sargent () who will ensure you are made welcome.
This is a free noticeboard for community activities and events that take place over time, not one-off events. It is not for selling or business activities. You can submit a notice you'd like to place on the board by clicking here.