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The University of the Third Age - U3A Motueka

U3A offers a programme of educational and leisure activities for those not in full-time employment, and is part of a worldwide movement. Members with similar interests meet during the day in small groups, either weekly or fortnightly and at various venues.

The main aim is to advance the education of retired people and assist them in pursuing their interests within a social environment. There are no entry qualifications required and no examinations. Study groups are relaxed and non-competitive, and frequently create new friendships and enjoyable social programme activities. If you want to learn more about the history and background of U3A, click here

If you would like to meet people and learn about things that interest you, U3A could be just what you want. Here is the timetable for U3A Motueka's second semester of the year - and there might be a topic that you'd love to learn about.

All discussion groups take place fortnightly unless otherwise informed, at various people's homes and occupy two hours. Your $5 annual subscription allows you to join one or several groups of your choice. You will need to perhaps pay for class materials separately. Your convenor/Host/contact person will advise on this.

To join a group, simply ring the contact person, and you will be warmly welcomed to the group. You may join a group at any time during its course. Some courses have written materials.

The following groups are commonly held in the mornings, with some afternoon gatherings. If you would like a group in another area of interest, we would be very glad if you let us know.

Contact Chairwoman Eileen Stewart or course co-ordinator Cushla Moorhead .

Office holders (2012-13)

Eileen Stewart, chairwoman
Margaret Besier, secretary/treasurer
Cushla Moorhead, course co-ordinator

Programme for 2013

  • Poetry
  • Geology
  • Classical Music
  • Art Appreciation

People may join any of these at any time.

Details of the courses, including hosts/ tutors and venues, can be downloaded using the link below. Students attending these courses, or wishing to attend, are requested to contact the host/tutor direct and make the necessary arrangements

Download full course details for 2013 here »

To enrol for a course, click here to download and print the form.

U3A Online

U3A Online is the world's first virtual U3A. It started in 1998 and since 2001 has operated like any U3A; that is, with an all-volunteer workforce.

Site licences: Motueka U3A has joined as a club and may apply for Site Licences to any course. For $25/licence/course/year a licence permits us to print as many copies of the course materials as we require for face-to-face teaching in our own U3A. In many cases the course notes run to more than 100 pages. Participants may keep their notes so the cost of copying provides them with a valuable, high quality reference. Current U3A inline courses are found on as well as further information on this service.

If there is a U3A online course that interests you, contact the course co-ordinator (Cushla Moorhead at ) expressing your interest and when the next semester is planned, your wishes will be taken into account.