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Motueka Rudolf Steiner Kindergarten

Steiner education is a holistic approach to learning that works with the different phases of child development. Each child is supported to fully live each developmental stage, by addressing their academic, physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

Our kindergartens and playgroups cater to the first developmental stage from birth to about six or seven years old. In this stage children mainly learn through play, copying the activities of adults, engaging in movement games, and responding to warmth, love and beauty.

Steiner kindergarten teachers carefully and deliberately create the ideal learning environment for this development stage. Steiner education emphasises respect, reverence and wonder for nature and for human existence.

Learning becomes much more than the acquisition of information; rather, learning becomes an engaging voyage of discovery, both of the world and of oneself.

The programme has two keynotes:
  ? The creation of a daily rhythm,
  ? The fostering of imaginative play, using simple natural materials.

The daily rhythm balances periods of free play with times of more directed activity. The morning begins with play - artistic activates are introduced in a weekly cycle with each day having its own special feature, for example: sewing and weaving, bread making, bees-wax modeling, drawing and painting with watercolours and wet paper.

After play, we gather for morning circle - a time for movement through songs, poems, ring-games and simple plays. Then a social time is enjoyed by all, as we sit together, and give thanks for our food. Play in the garden or sandpit follows, and finally we gather the children inside again for storytelling and goodbyes.

The older children in Mawhero House may stay for an afternoon session at kindergarten on three days of the week. This coincides with school hours and kindergarten pick-up time is at 2.45pm, so families can then pick up their children from school at 3.00 pm.

Children stay to lunch on these days and bring their own lunch box, of healthy foods. After lunch there is a short rest time. Each child has their own pillow and blanket. A story is told during this rest time. Then there is about ¾ hour playtime. Teachers may propose an activity during this time, which is dependent on the needs of the group and time of year.

The highlights of the yearly rhythm are: the children's birthdays, Easter, autumn and harvest, midwinter, spring, Michaelmas and the Christmas play.

Session times

Mawhero House (4- 6½ years old. Max 20 Children - 2 Teachers).
Monday to Friday morning session: 8.45am - 1.15pm, and
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoon session: 1.15pm - 2.45pm

Kowhai House (2¾ - 4 years old. Max 13 children - 2 teachers).
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8:45 am - 1.15 pm

Contact details:

33 Wallace Street (P.O. Box 224), Motueka.