Local body elections 2016 for Tasman District Council and Community Boards
In October 2016 voting will take place for the positions of Mayor of Tasman District, Councillors of the Tasman District Council and Community Board members in the Golden Bay wards. These pages provide information about the elections as they are relevant to the Motueka ward.
NOTE: There being four nominations for four positions, there will be no election for the Motueka Community Board. However, if Paul Hawkes, who is standing for both Council and Community Board, is elected to the former, there will be a later by-election for the fourth Community Board position.
Read about the Candidates
Candidates for Tasman District Councillor (Motueka ward): (Five candidates, three postitions)
? Barry Dowler
? David Ogilvie
? Paul Hawkes
Candidates for Tasman District Mayor:
? Kit Maling
? Richard Kempthorne
[Candidates yet to provide their profiles may do so by emailing the editor here: ]
Election Process
The voting will be by post. Key dates are:
* 17 August - Public Notice of Candidate Names.
* By 12 September - Electoral Officer Certifies Final Electoral Roll.
* 16 September - Electoral Enrolment Centre letter sent to Unpublished Roll electors.
* 16 - 21 September - Delivery of Voting Documents (by post).
* 16 September - 8 October - Progressive Roll Scrutiny, Special Voting Period, Early Processing.
* By 12 noon 7 October - Appointment of Scrutineers.
* 8 October - Election Day. Voting Closes 12 Noon, and counting commences.
Preliminary Results (FPP) available as soon as practicable after close of voting.
* 8 October - 13 October - Official Count.
* 13 October - 19 October - Declaration of Result/Public Notice of Results.
The voting period is three weeks. Electors may post their completed voting documents back to the Electoral Officer using the pre-paid envelope sent with the voting document.
Special votes are available from the Richmond office of Tasman District Council during the three week period (Friday 20 September to noon Saturday 12 October) for those electors:
? whose names do not appear on the final electoral roll, but who qualify as electors
? who did not receive a voting document
? who spoil or damage a voting document previously posted to them
? whose name appears on the unpublished electoral roll.
Discussion Forum
The discussion forum is open to anyone to ask questions of any candidates, for candidates to provide answers, and for readers in general to express opinions. View the forum and contribute here.
Contributions deemed offensive or slanderous will not be published, and comments of persistent contributors may be rationed if they are dominating the forum. The website editor reserves the right to decide on such matters.
Candidate meetings
Two meetings have been organised by Grey Power Motueka to enable voters to meet the candidates and ask questions. The meetings are as follows:
- Meet the Councillor Candidates for the Motueka Ward, Tuesday, September 6th, 1.00pm, Community House, Decks Reserve
- Meet the Mayoral Candidates and Motueka Community Board Members, Thursday, September 8th, 1.00pm, Community House, Decks Reserve