Motueka Community Gardens
The Community Gardens were established in 2010 on TDC land on Old Wharf Road, opposite the Motueka Recreation Centre. The Trust which runs the gardens was registered early in 2011, and been registered as a charitable entity with a charity number: CC48590.
The primary aims are to provide a community food production garden for the sustainable production of organic food, to promote the concept and benefits of community food production gardens, and to encourage self-sufficiency in local food supplies. [Read the full aims and mission statement here].
Other aims include the enhancement of community nutrition through increased awareness and consumption of self-grown fresh produce, to promote the involvement of schools and young members of the community in sustainable organic food production, and to increase awareness of and skills in sustainable food production through education and skills enhancement programmes.
In July 2010 the opportunity arose to re-introduce the concept and planning for a community garden on a pocket of Tasman District Council-owned land on Old Wharf Road, between the coolstore, skate park and the Adopt-a-Plot park and associated Inlet Walkway.
In October 2011, after the first seven communal garden plots were well established, the trust opened up the large area behind these plots for rented allotments to private individuals to grow their own vegetables. By the end of that summer, some 14 people had dug and planted out their allotments, and as we move into the 2012 winter demand for more allotments grows.
People work at the gardens at various times through the week, with Fridays and Sundays being promoted as working bee days for those volunteering to work the communal beds in exchange for some of the produce to take home. A strong committee and group of trustees (currently eight people) are helping to make the operation run smoothly, with guidance from gardening expert Grant Douglas in learning new methods and planning crops.
Read below for information on the history of the gardens, the area layout, minutes of meetings, the trust deed, contact details and news items.

Growth in full swing, 19 January 2011

November 9th 2011, with the communal area on the left and early allotments to the right.

The communal gardens, August 2012.

Some of the rented allotments, August 2012

Winter work in some of the allotments, 2013

The tunnel house and refurbished beds, October 2013

The gardens in January 2014.
Community gardens team celebrates 4th birthday (August 21, 2014)
Community garden gathers further momentum (August 7, 2013)
Domestic biodigester installed at community gardens (October 8, 2012)
Power-saving biodigester to be installed in Motueka (October 1, 2012)
Community gardeners celebrate second birthday (August 10, 2012)
Community gardens allotments nearly all taken (July 6, 2012)
Community Gardens celebrates growth in interest (April 4, 2012)
Sunflower plantings to brighten community gardens (December 19, 2011)
Community garden allotments off to flying start (November 8, 2011)
Community gardens available for private vege allotments (September 29, 2011)
Community groups cooperate to solve manure removal issue (May 5, 2011)
Community garden trustees plan next steps after bumper harvest (Apr 8, 2011)
Destination debated for bumper Community Garden crop (Jan 6, 2011)
Community garden sets up as charitable trust (Dec 9, 2010)
First plantings made in community garden (Nov 5, 2010)
Community garden construction gets off to a roaring start (Oct 11, 2010 - includes photos)
Community garden preparation gains momentum (Oct 1, 2010)
Work begins: First working bee (Sept 20, 2010)
Report from the third public meeting (Aug 23, 2010)
Report from the second meeting, held onsite (Aug 8, 2010)
Report from the initial public meeting (July 27, 2010)
Announcing the initial public meeting (July 20, 2010)
Contact us
If you want to know more about the gardens, or if you would like to contribute some of your time or other resources, please contact:
- Treasurer and works organiser: Ron Sharp, or .
Events and discussions
Read the garden development process from its early days »
Meeting minutes
The minutes of monthly meetings are available for anyone to read - please contact the secretary at .
Plan of the gardens
Planning of bed location and use, along with gardening infrastructure, is constantly being reviewed. You can view the current plan diagram by clicking here
Donate materials
You can help by donating materials to the garden. Click here to see how »
Check out our »
Earlier photos

September 2010

3 November 2010