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Motueka Tramping Club: Stone Hut / Luna Tops (17-19 January, 2014)

Early on Friday morning, three of us set out from Rolling River in windy conditions, sun and cloud, but with great views of Patriarch, to arrive at Kings Hut for lunch. We walked on to Stone Hut for the night where we saw a blue duck (whio) happily feeding away.

Saturday morning was frosty as we crossed the Wangapeka River and started the climb up to Luna top, following Stone Creek and it was here that we stopped for 'smoko' at a very picturesque waterfall.

We came out of the bush onto open tussock with great views of Kiwi Saddle and Mt Luna. A slow and steady climb took us to the saddle where we had lunch and enjoyed 360° views. We left our packs and went to investigate a route up to Mt Luna and 30 minutes later we were at the summit.

We took lots of photos as we debated what the mountain ranges around us were called. We returned back to the Saddle and followed the ridge down to Kiwi Saddle hut, wary of the ridge which was very narrow and rocky, also steep at times but with a good view of Luna Lake.

On arriving at the hut we found two couples already in residence, and with only 6 bunks, I slept in my tent in the bush, listening to the call of a morepork in the night.

Awaking on a beautiful Sunday morning to a chorus of birds, I had to keep my eyes on a weka who was trying to steal anything lying around - very amusing!

We set off down the Kiwi Saddle track and had early lunch at the new swingbridge in the company of a whio, and also a robin who liked walnuts. Then came the long walk back to the Rolling River car park. It was an exciting tramp, with good company.