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Motueka Tramping Club: Ben Nevis (29 September, 2013)

A very good club turnout saw 15 members head off in four vehicles to the Ben Nevis carpark in the Richmond Ranges. After a brief stop in Wakefield to discuss access strategy, we were able to squeeze into two 4WD's for the final steep ascent to the top carpark.

Given the size of the group we opted to split into two parties of 7 and 8 respectively, each with a club locator beacon. In overcast and cool conditions we commenced the initial ascent from the carpark up through the pine plantation to the beech forest and subalpine scrub cover beyond.

The lead group of 7 stopped for morning smoko at a clearing with a convenient log to sit on, but we were forced to don rain gear as light rain showers set in. We soon ascended into low cloud which limited views from the ridgeline, but made good time reaching the trig shortly after midday for lunch amongst remnant snow on the lee side of the ridge where we encountered one lone kea who checked us out not far from the summit.

Before long we were treated to light showers of rain interspersed with hail and then snow. Several of our party proceeded on through the mist to the Ben Nevis high point south of the trig. Whilst it was tempting to linger for a while hoping for a break in the cloud, it was getting quite cold so we elected to start heading back down.

However, we encountered three from the other group striving for the summit, so we accompanied them back up to the trig where they had their lunch. We enjoyed a leisurely trip back down the ridge stopping to admire views and identify various distant peaks as breaks in the cloud permitted. Although the weather didn't enable us to get the best of views, it was still an enjoyable social day out in the hills with other club members.